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Stephanie Bligh
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Angel Girl 527d
Angel Girl
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Angel Girl
Angel Girl
Anagha Ahire 527d
Anagha Ahire
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Are there any vitamins that you recommend taking or that have improved your health through taking them?
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Yes you should be taking vitamin D zinc and magnesium every day also fish oil arm is really good as well so important to supplement these important vitamins
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Do you mean like the specific brand are name of the vitamins or do you mean like vitamin a vitamin D vitamin K
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OK so I had a really bad hair loss due to Covid and I started taking these rainbow light prenatal one vitamins and they helped me so much with my hair loss
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And you can take prenatal vitamins even if you're up or not pregnant and they're really helpful for your nails for your hair I wouldn't recommend taking them for a long period of time but yeah you can take them like 2 to 3 months
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Magnesium I don't know what it is but I sleep like a baby now and I always I always just have trouble sleeping I would wake up to three times a night would take me so long to fall asleep and now it's just so much better so I recommend magnesium for sure
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