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So vaping has become a trend really in a way. It's been around for quite a bit now. now. I just wanted to know what your thoughts and views are on vaping as a whole and whether you think it's just as bad a cigarette. Let me know.
I think it's probably worse to be honest I don't have any scientific backing or anything I just don't trust that you know that there is a healthy alternative to smoking another to abandon that completely having as well as having is worth
I don't, it's tricky because even if it's not as bad as cigarettes I think the frequency of how often people vape is more than how often people smoke cigarettes so I think it's just as bad.
Yeah, I think it is. And people are constantly puffing that shit, like, always. But the thing is cigarettes have a lot of worse shit in it, but yeah, vape is definitely just as bad.
Yeah if I'm being honest and I vape but I looked it up and vapes are like 20 packs of cigarettes and 20×20 there's 400 cigarettes and I go through a vapor week so that's about 400 cigarettes so yeah in my opinion
100% is worse than cigarettes there are no studies like not many studies done on the harmful chemicals of aping but I bet you in 20 years time it's going to be well known
No because it was vaping or inhaling chemicals or smoking you're not inhaling chemicals that I'm not at I'm not a specialist don't know like I'm pretty sure ratings worse than cigarettes