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Here's one. Have any of you ever gone through a significant other's phone or a person you were dating? for me I have and definitely was not keen on what I found.
I have gone through my wife's phone and low-key only to read what her friends are saying to her and if they're all talking about me but that's just a self-esteem thing and she's aware that I do that I'm trying to fix it
Also just saying I haven't done that in a long time that was when we were like first married because we never even got to be in the same country when we were dating
Funny you ask as one time I actually went through what my exes phones and kind of like you for a moment I found a bunch of like dicks on his phone but it's not just like a regular Texas all the dicks had like dirty foreskin and I
You need to finish this, that his phone had a bunch of dicks because I'm dying. What else happened? I mean, was he gay? Were these random dicks that he just sent out to other girls? What happened?
Amazing you are so I did confront her about it and he did show me proof so he would send it to like girls that would like flirt with him so in the end like he was low-key loyal but we just broke up because I am yet to go to college