So, I am a lifelong dog owner, to some extent, either by association because we had them growing up, or now that I've got a beautiful one-year-old adolescent, well, he still acts like a puppy, so I'm going to call it a puppy, and it is a mix, a rescued street dog in Greece, an ancient breed called Kokoni. Anyway, I digress. What I'm wondering as we are talking about various types of tech and so on, I have not really ever even considered this a reality because I am absolutely head over heels for animals and particularly dogs. But in the general public, what are your opinions on tech replacing animals. Now first of all what would that look like? I mean since the early 2000s or even 90s I reckon we've had these toy robot dogs and cats and so on furbies you name it there's been some sort of equivalent in toy form. What about serious tech form? Do you think we'll have a Roomba that is there's basically a pet that you can talk to and train do you think that we're gonna have fully fledged robot dogs maybe the way you see it in Kingsman when you've got guard dogs who are fully mechanic I'm very curious because I have actually never discussed this with anyone ever because I've just know it's never come up so I'm wondering what your take on this is.