Today I've been working on writing out some lead documents and licensing agreements and that kind of thing. And it's quite fascinating when you find and see, when you kind of dig into the plumbing and the infrastructure of a lot of the technologies that's going on today. I mean, as an economist by trade, I'm a big fan of the specialise in trade. You do what you're good at and you take the infrastructure and technology for others. and more and more and more is moving in this direction where more and more companies are offering up their platform, their services not only as a front end but as the infrastructure. So actually there are so many services that we use day to day that you don't even realize is in large part not actually provided by the brand that you trust because that is the strategy that we use. When you're starting a company you want to get distributors, you want to get businesses that already serve a large amount of customers to implement parts of what you're offering because you have an added value. Let's say a bank with a million small business owners and you've got a small business service. So it's it's not a genius way of doing it. It's a new way of where things are going and you know the simplest example I can imagine is WordPress where I believe the latest stat I heard 52% of the world's website is run on WordPress yet you know a lot of average people down the street they won't be able to tell me what WordPress is but they will be able to tell me all their favorite websites. So this is very exciting I've been doing a lot of this in terms of licensing in terms of different types of integrating partners if anybody has this level of you know interest and questions maybe you have your own product maybe you know of someone do let me know I'd be happy to answer any questions but the B2B is the new way of the world and I love it.