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Natalia Lavaggi
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Alexa Machado
Luisa Poveda 696d
Luisa Poveda
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Alexa Machado
Ash Wise 696d
Ash Wise
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Alexa Machado
Ash Wise
Jaclyn Passaro
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Alexa Machado
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I just want to leave a tip here with people who freelance and work directly with clients so they can control kind of who they work with. In order to save your mental health, don't work with any client that inquires. This is a mistake that I made when I started because I felt like I was just lucky to have someone want my service because I didn't have a lot of confidence when I first started. And what What ended up happening was I would attract these clients that had this panic energy about them. If you've experienced it, you know what I'm talking about. They're the clients that don't listen to boundaries at all and will constantly message you and ask you, like, hello, hello, hello, every five minutes if you don't answer them right away. And they have this panicky energy. They'll have all these deadlines that they didn't talk to you about beforehand and they're trying to like make their emergency your emergency. And I have just learned since doing this for a while that when I'm sensing that panic energy from someone to decline working with them, I'm about to do that right now with someone who is wanting to work with me. And it's still uncomfortable for me to do, but I know that my mental health is going to suffer if I continue working with this person. And so I just want to throw that out there because I think it's important to remember that you can afford to be picky and choose who you work with and don't just choose everybody that comes your way.
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100% you have to set your standards and your boundaries and if you are someone who values your worth your time your service and you're just diligent to seek to align with brands companies and individuals who have a similar mindset and attitude then you'll never have to worry and you'll ever lack anything if you put out hey I'll do anything as long as I get paid then you're going to attract that kind of customer and that client really doesn't even care about you and so yeah
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This is so true. Thank you for adding to this. I love that.
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I totally agree with you. Basically you just have to educate your clients and let them know what are your available hours through the day and let them know you will keep them updated.
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Yes, that's definitely always the first step because a lot of people just don't know and so you definitely have to place the boundary first and Like let them know what your business hours are and stuff but if they still push and they just ignore that then red flag.
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Oh my gosh I love this I so love this Anya arm Just yeah well you and I talked a little bit so you know I've been dealing with depression issues and you know I'm just basically realizing that I don't wanna do digital marketing anymore and I mean I'd like I would if it was like a pre-recorded courses in and I'm pretty much teaching people how to do it themselves but yeah I just I don't wanna do it for people anymore you know
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Yeah, that's totally understandable. Like, customer service is so... It's just a lot. If you have anxiety or depression or like any mental health thing, it's a lot to be there for other people when you don't have enough energy for yourself.
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I agree with you and the other thing that they are digital marketing or social media marketing and you know you can't it like in my experience it doesn't work well if people aren't willing to open up and move on or builder with her and agreed to connect with their followers you know showed online video that kind of stuff so yeah
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Oh my god it's so true not everyone is worth it like sometimes clients even you they're going to be high paying you know like I don't know they're gonna pay you $600 a month to do their social media for like two sites but they're annoying and bothering you daily so it ends up if you break down the amount of money they're giving you versus how much they're annoying you it's not worth it not everyone's worth it
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That is such a good point too. It's not even just the clients that ask for discounts or don't cost as much. You could have the same problem with higher paying clients as well. It's all about like energy.
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