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Senor Pequenos
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Alright, I have a question. What is your favorite emotion? I think for me, it's the feeling of peace. Like when I'm sitting outside, start gazing or taking a walk like I am right now, and I just like feel like everything is going to be okay and everything is just like aligning, and it's such a nice feeling. I feel really connected to everything, But I want to know what your favorite emotion is.
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That's a really good question and like a really thoughtful beautiful answer. Yeah, stargazing is great. For me, I'm probably the same. Like I've got a playlist that I made that's just kind of like this, yeah, this peaceful like new beginnings feeling like maybe a little little sad because of the stuff you're leaving behind, but like what's forward is looking really good. And that can be calm music. That can be kick-ass music. You know, it's I think new beginnings can mean a lot of different feelings, but I kind of like the vibe of moving on to the cool thing.
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