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Jena Schuerman
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Senor Pequenos
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Modomz 687d
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Jennica 687d
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Finding Fate 687d
Finding Fate
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How often do you get sick during the year? I've noticed that I used to get sick about like twice, like really bad flu type sickness and people used to tell me that that was a lot and now I barely get sick at all knock on wood. I've gotten sick maybe like once or no twice in like four years which is insane for me but But I'm just wondering how many times do you guys get sick during the year?
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I would say I get sick maybe three four times a year if that that's on the max side I don't get sick anymore times than that and I usually get sick because my daughter brings it home from school and as I'm taking care of her and she's getting better than that's when I get sick.
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For me it's kind of the same. I am you know compromised so I am good at like washing hands and like not touching food without washing hands and all those things to try to you know not biting fingernails, but I if I do get sick even though it's rare, you know, maybe like once or twice a year I It'll just stick forever like a common cold will take me like five weeks to get rid of and I'll just be like suffering
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Thankfully I don't get sick much run through the whole year and he says I've got a Garmin system and I've got a lot a lot a lot of like energy I guess some cash I stay healthy I don't know I don't get sick
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I used to not get sick very often but now in my workplace I get sick a lot more. I wear my mask but it goes around and I work with children so I get sick way more often than I used to but I try to wash my hands and you know wear the mask so that I don't gets.
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I would say maybe once every 3 to 4 months but it just depends on the season you know like now my allergies bothering me a lot more of course and when he gets a bit colder Danny the common cold is like very regular but I don't get sick as often I try to take some emergency or vitamins D and stuff
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