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Alisha 684d
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Alexa Machado
Bethany Dingman
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Alexa Machado
Senor Pequenos
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Alexa Machado
Zenovia G 683d
Zenovia G
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Tay 683d
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Chan Be Busy 683d
Chan Be Busy
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Ectobussy 683d
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Alexa Machado
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How do you all make friends when you're shy? I'm about to move into my first apartment and I want to get to know some of the neighbors, but I'm not sure how to go about that or how to approach people. So any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Boom all you gotta do is bump them like I mean not just bump them I want you like to bump them so hard they fall on the ground if you have enough strength to do it Okay, so when you bump them like you gonna say like oh, I'm sorry for bumping you like I'm so sorry Then I start a conversation of you know So that's how you get into the friendship or wherever you trying to get into, you know
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I feel your pain, I'm an introvert too, and I feel like the best thing to do is hang out in the common areas of your apartment complex. So if there's a game room, a business center, a clubhouse, rooftop, take your book or a laptop and you know just go hang out there and as people walk in, look up, smile at them and eventually someone will you know start a conversation with you. Even taking a walk, if you live in a walkable area around your apartments, you'll meet people like that too. You got this.
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Yeah, I'm thinking maybe at the pool or the gym or... There's a pool room, but I kind of doubt people are going to be using that, so I don't know. But yeah, that's a good idea. It's just going to like the community spaces.
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Hey I am also an introvert trying to become a little more extroverted if you see your neighbors or something out I'm gonna just smile I like say hi I may be your compliment him on the shirt to wear and you're not like that so just to start a conversation and just see what happens
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Yeah, that's good. I'm hoping to spend more time on my balcony a lot, so hopefully I'll get a chance when people walk by. I'm on the first floor, so they'd be walking right by me maybe I could say hi then.
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I can be an introvert and extrovert when it comes to this. So I don't really know anybody at my apartment complex. There are very few people other than a couple people near me. But it's a good idea to get to know your door person if you have a guard or something that you pass by every day. Just to ask them, hi, how are you doing? What's your name? And I just say hi to them every time I pass them. And you can ask your leasing manager if there's any community events for the apartment, like a pizza night or something because that's a really easy way.
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Ooh, community events. I didn't even know that was a thing. This is my first apartment, so that's really cool. I'll have to ask and see if there's anything like that because that would be super fun to do and and easier to meet people that way. I would say hi to the doorman but we don't have one. We're like outside.
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So I'm definitely more of introvert and when I tell you I struggled to make friends like all my friends live been lucky because I've been putting situations where we just made where I became friends with them and then mostly people talk to me first before I realize maybe they want to be my friend but you know yeah it's hard
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I swear I do not answer bad I am I don't know who are you are in the same class as them to be my close friends and sometimes it converts to other friendships but I'm not me to salt friend in so long
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I feel like I focus on friends in my realm of what I do so like I'm a podcast here so I make friends with who's consistent in podcasting kind of like me who I can learn something from and I focus on Who they were recommend me check out and then it kind of branches off
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Just say hi Like you're a woman. I'm sure nobody would mind that much If you were a dude, that's a different story. That's kind of like bro. Don't say hi to me, bro but like you should be good
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That is very true. Like, there's less of a fear, I guess, around females approaching you randomly. So yeah, I should exercise that privilege.
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I don't make friends below the line I got some friends only you know in this society everybody's talking to the insurers that you should talk more but a nobody tell the extroverts to shut the fuck up that's wrong
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