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Senor Pequenos
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All right, I've got a condo update part four which is now an apartment update because we are renting while we save more money to buy. So we have to be moved out into our first apartment on Friday and I'm a little bit nervous because I've only ever lived with family so this is the first time I'm going to be out on my own. I'm a little nervous. Do you guys have any tips if you are a first time homeowner like how or homeowner or winter or whatever like how did you adjust was it hard at first i'm also neurodivergent and i have chronic illness so it makes things a little bit more complicated just because i lack some independence that most people have in certain areas. So yeah, any tips, any hacks for moving out for the first time would be greatly appreciated.
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I've always really enjoyed apartment living and I've got chronic illness as well. And I think it actually, it's helped me because you can just, you can kind of do your own practices. Like what works best for you. Like usually living with a family, you're not doing what works best for you. It's usually what's best for everybody, whether it be food or going somewhere or whatever. But when you're on your own, you can kind of adjust to what fits best for you. And I think that's really nice. Buy one of those big wagons to wield groceries around. and that's like the biggest time-safer tip.
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