Okay, this is gonna be an interesting question and I'm ready to see answers. Have you ever shared your weight on a public platform or just with people around you? Like, are you the only one that knows? I know this can be a very touchy topic and I know because for myself, I have never shared my weight. Like, I don't think I've shared my weight since high school when I was younger, just because like when we have physicals and stuff, like people would see when you weigh yourself and whatnot. But I recently, last year, shared my weight loss journey and it was the first time in a very long time I've ever shared my starting weight and my ending weight. And I'm so glad that I did, like I was vulnerable, it was hard, but I also know that it helped a lot of people, like my video went viral and it was very helpful. And so I'm just really curious if you guys have ever done that.