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Are you what are some good foods or tips for building muscle I think you just need to eat a lot of food you to make sure you're a calorie surplus even more than you need in a day but are there any foods or tips people recommend let me know
yeah just look at food high in protein if you look at the build muscle so chicken nuts as all yeah they're good source almond cashew are my favorite ones D's nuts, yeah
Hey man that's pretty cool me and Jordan are really hear that but yeah me some good tips for building muscle I mean and I eat chicken on that but I'll try these nuts keep talking about the rain sounds on super tasty
Rest a lot of rest and also make sure you get your protein in but doesn't always have to be me protein to love vegan options or vegetarian options like peas, lentils, beans, etc.
I'm a good tip if you struggle with being in a calorie surplus is taking like a high like a high calorie protein shake me to even take two a day just kind of depends how big of a surplus you're in