So if you're not funding it yourself and you need to find co-founders, there's only really one tip that masses and that is taking it seriously. Very often when you only have an idea, you don't have a product or anything to sell or a company yet, people tend to think and take it lightly what they're actually bringing someone in on. But you have to treat it, you know, whether it's an idea it's a full fully-fledged company you have to treat it as if it is a billion dollar company already as if you already have the unicorn so in doing so when you bring someone in you need to make sure that it's the right fit personally and professionally they need to have the right experience it needs to be someone you trust and you need to protect yourself and their vested interest what I mean by that is you need to ensure that they are incentivized over a period of time and I'll talk more about that in a later one but essentially what that means is that they cannot come in unless there's someone who helped you develop the idea and you trust and it's a friend or a partner but it needs to be someone who has every reason to stay, that it doesn't come in and take a share of the company and can then just leave with legally owning whatever portion you choose to give them. So I'm going to cover all of that in articles of association and shareholders agreements and so on, things that protect you and your potential co-founders, directors and everything. But be sure to take it seriously. Make sure that you have someone who is committed, make sure you have someone who is on board, who is experienced and who's taking it seriously and is in for the long haul. Mind you, on average you should probably expect at least two years until you start seeing revenue hopefully before but that's where you should be at have your mindset on and a co-founder needs to be right there with you on that. Until next time.
Yeah, I actually agree with that for the most part. By all means, I do see examples where things have worked out, but much more often than not. It doesn't. And personally I've got poor experiences with that as well.
Yeah, I guess we're just gonna keep agreeing with each other I don't know, maybe this is just an obligatory response so that you know that I hear you and I agree as well.
Your co-founders should be experts in the things that your company needs, not your best friends. Sometimes your best friends can't come along for the ride.
That is too funny great minds think a like but yeah definitely the friend thing it rarely works out it's like more likely your business co-partner becomes your friend
Sorry guys, for some reason I'm realizing a ton of these little soundbites I've just not been notified about so I'm just doing a bit of a clean up but absolutely I'm 100% 100% agreement with what you guys are saying.
Oh that's such bullshit you were just MIA for a couple days and now you're wicked behind and you're doing the whole now I'm getting so late but I did notice today that one of my soundbites was able to go over 15 seconds so if that's an update with stereo total sidenote by the way 80 HD for the win
Yep, you can do up to 30 seconds now. They took our feedback, they took our feedback. And then, yeah, no, I don't know what's going on. My, my stare is a little bit buggy lately. And unless I turn on notifications, which will literally give me every update on what anyone does at all times, it won't tell me if, if I'm getting a reply, which is really frustrating. It'll tell me what people like, but don't tell me about the actual reply.
Oh that's not good I get that I mean I have my notification silence cause otherwise it's just yeah anyway and but yeah my replies show up whenever I open up at the the stereo app and then I look into that little thing on the lower right hand side and and yeah sorry I just got a message from my daughter so I'm like totally sideways distracted
I totally get that because sometimes when I try to respond to someone, it won't let me send the message. So I think something is going on. Hopefully with the next update they've resolved all these micro bugs.
Word of the day yeah seriously is micro bucks feel like it's a very under used word sister but yeah I mean I just did it a day and now I'm getting all kinds of flake do you have any reply you have any replies so interesting