Also, how are we feeling about McDonald's opening up their first entirely staffless, entirely staffless? Very cool. Not you, the people here. We're talking about the people. How do the people feel? I mean, I want to check it. Mirela, what about you? Do you want to check it out? Yeah, that's so cool. It's like the Amazon store when it's just like go pick something up and then you lay Yeah, that would be nice.
For a company like McDonald's, their customer service is already very impersonal because there's not a lot of training on proper customer service. So I think this is a better move for them. They can decrease the amount of customer complaints, also executing better service with their food and maybe quality. So this might actually work out in their favor. Will that go? Absolutely not. I'm not a McDonald's person. I'm not their target audience, but it could help them.
Yeah, I love my McDonald's and I do enjoy self-serve but what I'm also wondering is do you reckon it's going to be... Do they have any assets in these stores? Are they going to be prone to rubberies and trashings and that kind of thing? I mean, will they have security? Do you know about these things? I just got really... Yeah, wrap my head around entirely how it will work.
That is sick, yeah, I'd love to check it out and see what it's like. Yeah, any feedback you've got, mate, do let me know. I'm currently in Greece and I doubt we'll be seeing any self-service here anytime soon, soon but we'll play it for them for keeping up with it.
Yeah, I completely agree. And I guess when you go to McDonald's, especially the hours that I tend to go, It's not exactly that human interaction I'm looking for.
OK so we all know that this technology existed years ago the Japanese did it they had the self-serve vending machines in New York City and of course in Japan even years before that this is like 1015 years ago so that part of it is whatever the part that I'm concerned about is that McDonald's is to employ people and so where are these people going for jobs now
Yeah, I know, I see what you mean. I think the older tech, so to speak, in this area was self-serve but not automatically made. So essentially you'd serve yourself, you order yourself, but the food wouldn't be prepared by machinery. And then you've had biometric payments and so on, that's what the Japanese were big on and still are. So I'm very keen to see now how everybody's going to respond.
Personally use this sometimes I feel like if it's busy you're gonna use it and so I'm going up to the counter and it can be Convenient to you, especially if there are other people waiting you get your order in and it's good to have a bit of both I think it's a good system personally.
Yeah, let's see, let's see what they can do. I mean, obviously the self-service is one thing, but the completely automated service as well, I think, is the really interesting bit that's going to be cool to see what they do. And how it works out, you know, I don't think people go to McDonald's especially for their human interaction so it might be, it might be very popular.