So a quick one on something that came and went fairly quickly. Does anybody still use digital photo frames? Because I remember buying them when that came out and became a big thing around 2010. And back then they were quite bulky back then, but they were still quite cool. You know, uploading pictures that you want to be seeing, picture that you want to be on a carousel, I guess, that's what you call it. And then, last year I wanted to buy a present for someone, Christmas present. And I just had in mind, I knew that that would be the perfect gift. knew the kind of pictures I would upload in advance for many reasons. But then I must have gone to four or five massive electronics outlets and I could not find digital photo frames. When living online the few that I can find are just stupidly expensive. So I'm wondering if the concept of supply and demand has come into play here because the supply has diminished so much because I can't seem to find it anywhere physically. I'm wondering if does anybody use that? Is it just completely gone now because people don't see a point of it when you've got pictures on your phone, your computer, your everything? Let me know and why or why not you feel that we should should keep them around because I actually would love one.
Do you might be right I mean I've not seen a digital photo frame for a long time I don't know anyone has ever used one I thought the concert was really cool Cuz he said he can change your mouth and it doesn't require you to have a bunch of photos are in there but I was like another thing to plug-in and it's her it will be much but it's very bad it up keep a piece of tech that is essentially just a display photo that you like so maybe the demand is really go down for it
Maybe like, I feel like people could, like someone could just make a super simple path for it. Just connect it to your photo frame or frames. And you could literally just like you have multiple house cameras, you can just create multiple frames and just, yeah, pair with them, send whatever pictures you want. Um, obviously a bit of security because I can imagine having a lot of fun with that. But yeah man, I really want the back.
Yeah, but this is also something that terrifies me. You know, all the sort of Google devices and the, you know, the screensavers and all that, they kind of have this, oh, use your cloud albums and, you know, shuffle through them. Sounds like my worst possible. I mean, even when the misses goes through, it has my phone and I'm showing her a picture and she starts to swipe. Might Noor please donοΏ½t listen....
Yeah, I guess that's another one. I mean a photo frame would actually require a source of electricity and maybe for the size and the use of it you know given that people have 10, 15, 20 pictures in their house they may not want to use the plug for it. But then if you have one, it's I'd love that at least but yeah fair play fair play
I personally would prefer to have one I think that they're absolutely wonderful and so far as unlike a Google home or an Amazon Alexa device that they aren't wired to be manipulated they are free so I would be able to upload photos that make me happy and see those over and over again without worrying about that daughter getting late to the public as far as procuring one I'll live in the neck
Excellent. First of all, do you use multiple? And you know, does that mean multiple power sources needed? How much did you pay for the ones, one or ones that you have and the last one are they are they bulky or are they relatively flat
Alright, alright, interesting. What is it about it that turns you off? You know, is it the switching of pictures, so to speak, having a live frame as opposed to sort of a set memory or is it power source that's needed yeah let me know
Honestly I've never bought one and I don't know of anybody that I can think of that actually has them in their house I think I've ever been to one friends house that they had a digital photos so yeah maybe I should get me some digital photo frames because I have way too many pictures and I really don't want to go just get a bunch of pictures printed off so yeah
Yeah, this is exactly what I'm talking about. There was just such a push for these things years back. Then all of a sudden it just went away quietly. And I don't think I know anybody either that has a digital photo frame in the house. But yeah, I kind of really want one.
In America you can get them at most secondhand stores because there was this mass push to send them to the attic and then subsequently donate them when smart devices came out I imagine that charity shops in the UK work the same way if there is some thing it's it's weird to say that something oddly nostalgic about having one of them And entirely safe as well what a sweet thought
Thank you for that. That's awesome. And that's a very good idea. I'm gonna check out some second-hand stores Yeah, it is a sweet thought. It is sweet I love the idea of having one of them and You know I've got obviously because I've got the screensaver on the TV and things like that where I can put up But that's not the same like I you know, I want to put something on the wall they can kind of shuffle through selected photos and all that. Yeah, that sounds great.