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Calling all mamas so my daughter is sick right now she threw up in my hair on the carpet it's been quite quite the morning and she's extra clingy of course you know she's not feeling good so I need help what are your tips and tricks like when your babies aren't feeling good she's nine months Yeah like what I feel like she's not really eating too and that's getting like frustrating I don't know this hasn't happened to anyone else like when your baby I guess throws up or isn't feeling good they don't want to eat yeah I'm a new mom so I'm just like worried or whatever but yeah like I'm letting her maybe watch a little more screen time than usual I don't know like is there certain like treats and stuff you give them when they're not feeling good I just I don't know right now just hoping some moms can relate
Popsicles when my little ones are sick I always give them Popsicles and Pedialyte is a good substitute for her to drink especially if she's not really being able to tolerate her formula as much I'm sorry there's a loud car going by but definitely Pedialyte if she's not able to tolerate her formula and even water works Popsicles definitely Popsicles crackers if she's able to eat solid foods
And cuddles sometimes all baby wants is cuddles and it's OK to let her have the extra amount of screen time of my TV is usually on all day long with some kind of cartoon even if they aren't like watching it it's still in the background for him but definitely Popsicles Pedialyte and crackers if she's able to eat salads
Thank you though those tips actually were very good I'm actually gonna go get some Pedialyte and ice pops at such a cute idea even if it's just like frozen fruit that I can you know let her have that but you know those tips are agree thanks so much