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Does anyone journal on like journal at night journal in the morning or just journal and in general I wanna know that it really helped harm I've been thinking about doing it like to start my morning and like I just don't even know where to begin maybe they have like guided journals that I can like get but yeah I just wanna know if anyone journals and kind of give me your experience if you do
Oh sorry that's my daughter in the background I love the manifestations like that's what I really wanna do be like more intentional and manifest do you feel like it works and what time of day do you journal and how long have you been journaling
I actually used to journal a lot when I was in rehab it was very nice and helpful but I don't know I feel like now I don't really do it often because I don't really do it often because it's just hard when you have a toddler
I try to journal. I get in like phases where I will journal and then I just stop and fall off but I would like to start waking up earlier and journaling like before my day starts. So that's actually a goal of mine.
Yeah I've been wanting to do this and I've been wanting to start like a little journal for each of my kids to my mom did it for me and all her siblings and she just like wrote down things that we're doing and experiencing and things or learning and how much she loves us in volleyball so I think I want to really do that I did start it with my daughter when she was born and I just didn't continue and I feel super Duper about it so I'm gonna do that
I do journal that's crazy because I actually was going through one of my old journals from like the pandemic days yesterday and my cousin actually got me a new journal for my birthday so I've been trying to stay consistent with it I'm not like I don't have a set I'm doing it every day or every morning or anything it's just like when I'm ready to write about what's going on in my life so yeah I do journal you should do it it's nice to look back and see your growth
I kind of make notes on like I would write things on my phone because I'm fast I'm typing so I do that I don't write notes good at two right E-books or whatever I write them on my phone or my notes
I really tried to get into journaling and it did not work for me. It just it wasn't for me. I did try it out for about a week and it definitely didn't fit for me.
I do journal a journal a lot more now that I did before I had a kid but now I definitely journal because all that take them around mothers have to be strong for the kids in Canada can see the panic or let's catch up I can't let I can't even speak can't let their kids see them sad can't let them kids see them anything like it drives me crazy and like I try so hard to be so strong for my daughter so I find the journal a lot more now and I just shut down on my phone
Yeah, I would say I've journaled in the past and it's very beneficial because there's so many ways of journaling obviously with your thoughts and you've got other things like to-do list MA not to-do list listing things you're grateful for and it's very beneficial to mentally I would say.