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Natalia Lavaggi
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Savannah Marie Wagner
Natalia Lavaggi
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Natalia Lavaggi
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Luisa Poveda 695d
Luisa Poveda
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Luisa Poveda
Savannah Marie Wagner
Ash Wise 695d
Ash Wise
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Savannah Marie Wagner
Ash Wise
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OK I know that I can I'm about health and fitness but this kind of helps me honestly I've been going through some really weird self-esteem issues and That's been helping me really is social media and doing this and I'm bringing like another laptop a new one because I miss being super creative and stuff and like I miss doing YouTube and having them thing and I just miss a lot about that and nothing else is working and this is like my last resort Is to like you know do social media and influencer stuff and you know all that kind of stuff and yes working out does help but I am I'm really hoping that this helps to because I miss myself and I miss AA I go to self-esteem issues and you know if you need to leave a comment down there And yeah so yeah
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Savannah I just want to speak a word of encouragement and speak life over you and I want to remind you in this moment that you are fearfully and wonderfully made that you were precious that you were unique and you have a divine purpose in calling on your life that nobody else in this world can duplicate nobody else can replace you I think it's important for me as a woman who has experienced low self-esteem and low confidence to take time to connect with people who are struggling with that and remind them of this
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Hi so I say thank you for that honestly I I do have social media like this is Kylie reason why I want to meet her cause I have I like being one to help other people and so my grandma is not the first time I've been out I don't want anyone else if like this so I really appreciate like all the words you said like I really love it so thank you honestly for that and I hope you can DM me and like you need anything let me know
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So if you ever need to connect if you ever need to talk I'm here if you can send me a DM in this and you can connect with my other social media channels and I want to let you know that outside of even just YouTube and social media that is really important for you to connect with people that truly have your back that love you that care for you that empower you that equip you for the greatness on your life and that there is a higher power and a higher source that desires for you to live a great life
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Social media and the online world can be very fickle and if we put all of our identity and our sense of validation in these types of sources then will always leave empty-handed because it's never steadfast your true love and identity in who you are Hass to come from a higher power and a higher source so I just wanted to come here to connect with you and to remind you that you're loved and you're precious and you're gonna do great things in life
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I totally agree with you and sometimes it's that we just tend to compare ourselves on on social media, unfortunately, and it causes us anxiety.
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Me maybe you can set up your calendar to have a social media detox and try to spend time with people you love and doing some activities that you enjoy may be some skills that you have from the past
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Yes I really do you like a day off on social media I think that might actually be a good thing for me honestly like a day or two off but yeah I have this is kind of a job so it's it's so difficult and I do love it honestly I love to communicate with people and like have a community but sometimes you figure out how you like to do it and I think I'm learning how to do it but I appreciate your words a lot
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I've been super struggling I went to marketing company last year that it's just not my passion anymore I wasn't making very good money and doing a groomers in a small town and just anyway yeah so I totally feel you on this and I learned that it comes in waves and seasons and just it's a constant journey you know
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Honestly like no I'm good for fucking you for even starting the company because like every people would be so scared to start it a lot like I would be one of them to start that for a company so like even though like you started and I can't I don't like this anymore and that's fine do that it's totally totally fine give yourself a hand for even starting that you know
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Hey thank you I really needed that because yeah just kind of feeling a little bit like a failure and like I needed somehow or another figure out how to control my ADHD but it's been an ongoing struggle my whole life but you know like I have this thing where it's like if it's no longer fine I'm done like I'm a hard worker but like I find fun and stuff and like if I can't find a fun then it's like I'm back you know
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