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How much sleep do you typically get every single night because I used to function on six hours of sleep and be totally fine when I was in college but now if I get less than eight I will literally have a headache all day so I prioritize sleep and even if I start work later I'd rather sleep in
I would say I usually get more than eight hours but it's very split up sleep I'm the kind of person who will sleep from say 2 AM to 7 AM get up for a couple hours and then go back to bed from like 9 to 12 or something like that
I get way too much sleep I should be getting like 78 your girl and I'm getting like 10 which is not good like I'm sleeping in too much way more than I need to
I usually get right at eight, sometimes a little less, but yeah when I was in college I definitely would get about six a night and I felt way worse than I do now.