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Have you ever had you are a baby joke when they were eating their food most specifically when they're like kind of learning how to eat food my youngest he's 11 months him and I think it was two days ago he was just eating some of those like Gerber puffs and he's eating those before and he chews them up and they dissolve but somehow I'm like I think I stuck in the back of his throat because he started like gagging and choking and he was making noise which you know they say it's the scariest if the baby is not making noise obviously but it was still really scary and I like panicked for sure He actually threw up twice right right then which kind of got it out but it was scary for me I just yeah that's really scary that's why I was kind of in like kind of scared of baby lead weaning does any sort of gagging or choking even if it's not fully even if just like not necessarily him choking just kind of gagging terrifies me but thankfully he's OK and yeah
Oh I'm so sorry you went through that that is my worst nightmare and I actually ended up buying one of those tea choker devices I think it's cold to have on hand and look like I've never had to use it but
Yeah, choking is very scary. My son, he's five now, but when he was one years old, he choked on a penny, and we had to stay overnight in the emergency room so they could do an endoscopy and take it out.
Oh my word, that is terrifying. I am so sorry. Um, yeah, I... Not even just food, like I'm terrified he's gonna put other things in his mouth because we have a four-year-old too. and he's always finding stuff on the floor even though I try to vacuum and everything all the time so.
Yes my daughter when she was younger she choked and my boyfriend like just out of instant just quickly went into her mouth and like put his finger in her mouth like scooped out the whatever she was choking on over but I was just choking on but I was like only time
I actually really haven't had my son choke on anything like too bad usually he'll just kind a like cough or like a quick gag so it's not I've never really been in a scary situation I hope I never have to because I definitely can't imagine
Yeah my son has actually choke a few times but it hasn't been like severe so I can only imagine that it was so scary I'm glad you guys were able to go through that
Oh my goodness that is so scary because my son loves those and he eats them all the time I am so glad he's OK oh my gosh man kids love to give us heart attacks