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Does anyone else have a little one has a hard time coming down or settling down at night when it's bedtime I little one definitely my four-year-old has a hard time I'm settling down he's just really hyper and really excited and just doesn't wanna stop playing we have a good routine for bedtime and we give them all the warnings before bedtime but even then he's still like super amped up and it takes a while for them to calm down and actually fall asleep so I'm just curious if you guys have any other tips or if anyone else goes through this
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That's like my three-year-old. He just gets really really hyper. It starts about like five o'clock Between like five and seven and then when their dad gets home They just get so excited to like hang out with him and I just like they're never want to go to bed I'm trying to like only like they have TV time and they can watch TV after nap So I'm trying to find like low stimulating like movies for them to watch much.
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I want to find them like low stimulating like TV shows and movies to watch other than like Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles like that's what he likes to watch and the niche is super hyper So I am trying to figure out like activities that will still like keep him calm So he doesn't get all like so much energy right before bed.
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Yes for sure I am right there with you my son is so hyper and then when he's like you said Wednesday I can tell me excited to play with him and all that and then they get round up and then he gets more energy after dinner it's like oh my God how are you not exhausted how are you not ready for bed it's just so crazy
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I even tried to like mix up a routine like her bedtime routine and like do more calm things and it just doesn't work like I've tried to do you know just complement before bed I've also try to wear them out and then do some thing you know like wrestling just to get a more tired or run around real quick but nothing else
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Oh my gosh, that's my 11 month old. Like he's not even one yet and he's like this. I'm so scared for toddlerhood and bedtime with him. Oh my gosh, like, and with my step kids, they were the same way. They took forever to go to sleep. And like not to knock my husband, but he had a lot of bad habits, I think. Like he would let them watch YouTube all night and like have the sippy cup. So when I became step mom, I was like, uh-uh, we gotta stop these bad habits.
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So some thing that really helped them it was I would put on like YouTube but I would put on like these aquarium videos and it would just be like fish so it's like relaxing like just fish swimming around with like relaxing music playing and they would fall asleep so much faster so that's definitely a something I don't know it's still not my favorite thing like I want my son I'm trying to get him to not need anything like that to go to sleep I don't do like any TV or anything
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But it definitely helped them a lot since they were already used to falling asleep with something on I just made it something that was like more calmer and relaxing and less stimulating
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Yeah for sure it is definitely a challenge I feel the same way about my one year-old oh my God me and you're barely you're not even really a toddler yet and you're just like super hyper even though I can tell yourself you're tired always crazy can tell her tired but they just don't stop it's go go go
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I'll have to check out those aquarium videos because that sounds super interesting and it's definitely worth the shot. I've changed up our bedtime routine at different times to try to like make things more relaxing and it just, they just still seem to have endless energy and bedtime routine. It takes just as long.
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My daughter she isn't too young she's nine but she definitely has ADHD and it's harder to get her to sleep at night for sure so I definitely have to kind of give her some milk kids melatonin to calm her down little bit and get her to bed
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I feel this my daughter is the same we have a hard time putting her to bed at night because she is why she's just full of energy
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Set a three-year-old and a two year old and we kind of like have like a really strict bedtime routine to help them a little bit like get the rest of their energy yo chill out play in the bath the only reason they really get hyped up is because their dad rows them up so
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Yeah that definitely happens to me a lot but what I notice is like once I pretty much just let him like play around like and just run around and do a lot of like active activities he tends to him to just go to bed right away when we lay down actually it only takes him like about five minutes and then he's like dead asleep so definitely to like active things Like in the last hour before bedtime and that will get them tired hopefully
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So my son was like this for the longest time on and he won't even go to bed until 10 1030 but we started kind of having like a routine where after we get done with dinner will kind of whine down take a bath get in our PJs and like you know read a book or some thing and he has fallen into the butter teen or a bedtime routine of going to bed around seven 730 and I think it just really helps having a specific routine
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When I babysit I feel like it's so difficult to get the child to fall asleep in the so hyper and I never wanna actually sleep anymore did you sleep if you like move a muscle do you wake up again and it's so annoying
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My child is always hyper so for me I give her a nice warm bath lotion her up and burn to bed and she normally goes down but if I don't do that yet she will try to stay up
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What worked for me is I went on YouTube and I found Lullaby for babies to go to sleep. It worked so good. It's like soft music and it helps them to calm them down and they relax and they go to sleep. I am so sorry Utter.
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