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Lynn T • 680d
Lynn T
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Christina Marshall
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Kaitlyn Grosz
Suzanne pickens
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Malori • 677d
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Theguy • 674d
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Leesahmaheeh • 671d
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So I just wanted to share before the bugs get really bad out We have used these mosquito repellent bracelets that are for kids that I got off Amazon And I know it sounds crazy, but they have actually worked a lot. They have reduced the number of mosquito bites my son has gotten and and they've been great. So definitely look that up if you're interested in not just doing just spray all the time.
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So in Florida we have like bugs now and bugs are all the time and we use the bracelets and we all see use the little stickers I don't like to spray it like the feeling on my skin so yeah we use stickers and the spray if you haven't seen the stickers look those up as well they're very good to
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Girl I ain't got cap you fucking treat me the fuck out. I thought I thought I was hearing my own voice I was like wait I commented on this video. I look at your name, and I'm like oh shit. No, this is someone else, bro. I think we might be lost ones. What the fuck?
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I always see these in a store and I just go right past them because it looks like a gimmick. It doesn't look like it worked, but it's interesting that you say that it does work. I want to go pick some up because we're going camping in two weeks, so this would definitely come in handy.
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I'm not sure like about all the brands and the ones on the store but I just know the ones that we got from Amazon seem to work maybe it's just in my head but it just didn't seem like he had as many mosquito bites and we started using those and I have to find the link so that you can see what brand I'm talking about sounds like I have no idea at the moment
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Oh my gosh, I definitely need to get some of these mosquitoes are so bad here
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I definitely want to look into them because I know last year like when I was outside with my toddler he was obviously a baby but it was just so hard to like be outside and I have bugs all over us and I didn't feel comfortable putting mosquito spray on him I found like at one meant for babies but I was still like nervous about it so I definitely wanna check this out I was here like bad things about the bracelets but maybe these ones are better so I definitely won't get on Amazon and check them out
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I'm one of those weirdos I like the smell of mosquito repellent but noted definitely noted
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I don't know. I don't even get bit on my arms. I get bit on my ankles. So I don't know. This would work.
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