MarvelStormljs Why are we so hard on ourself when it comes to our own inner and outer beauty?Why can it be so hard to give our self the love we need?
Tu bizcochito Sharing is caring 💝🌬️Opening space for wellbeing, resilicience & peace ✨ #MoD I AM letting go & taking care of me: Serenity, Courage & Wisdom #DoseOfTurmeric
Chan Be Busy Everyone should learn to date themselves before they date other people what y’all think? #Dating, #Self-care
ꨄ𖣔𖣔N On days you feel particularly sluggish, what do you do to combat that? Comment below!🐌😩💤🥱#family #work #single #momsofstereo #selfcare #fyp #ugh #energy #food #culture
Tee #Health Best anti ageing products has been Retinol, what do you use if your skin can't tolerate it?
Jose Farrach I am no better then you. I am nothing. We are nothing. We must humble are self. Look for peace not happiness. Think about it