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Hey, happy Tuesday to everybody. Thank you for coming by my page and playing Neymar celebrity with legends. I really appreciate you Whoo. This is an interesting one. Who do you think this young man is? This is either Jim Carrey the mask himself or this is post Malone Take a guess. Let me know. Thank you for playing. Feel free to drop comments and I'll see you tomorrow. Have a beautiful day
Thank you M for playing and leaving a comment. And everybody, everybody except for one person got this wrong. This is the first choice. Much love. Have a beautiful day.
I'm gonna have to say post Malone Because Jim Carrey's face is long and then he's got like this long chin post Malone has more of a rounder. So yeah, I Think it's post Malone
Hey Pandosa, you know, what's funny about this one is everybody was wrong This is absolutely Jim Carrey as a little boy So but thank you for paying playing peace and blessings. Have a beautiful day and shout out to you much love
Are you serious? This did not look like Jim Carrey. At all. Damn. This was a good one. You're good. You're good. I want to see if you can stump me again. Well, it's not like I'm that good, but these are fun. Thanks.