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This one might get interesting. If you had the ability to change one thing in our society and in our generation, What are you changing? It could be anything you want. What is it?
I probably sound like such an old ass bitch for saying this and I personally feel like I would change the age at which all of us got our phones and social media because it is so obvious that that exposure was not good for our heads
Honestly that kind of makes sense like if that happened like we didn't get our phones until I really later down I feel like we wouldn't need therapist like that much you know what I'm saying
16 at least maybe 18 maybe 25 I mean sky's limit I think to get a phone you should have to prove your income to pay for the phone bill and you should have to prove that you're free fun.
That's what I'm saying I've never met anybody other than my fiancé that agrees that kids should not have a phone at fucking 12 years old you know they should be exposed to this everything that's on the Internet it's everything's open
Trust me, there are many people that agree and you said you haven't met much people but there are many people that agree. They shouldn't have phones. No teenagers should have a phone or social media.
Nope, you don't sound old and if people think you are well, I will sound old as well And I don't give a shit kids should not have mobile phone or access to social media onto the going into university so that's what 18-19. There are high schools now that don't allow mobile forms.
You're actually so right because the amount of people that I know that were groomed at a young age because of the electronics given to them at said young age oh my God the fucking trauma bro
Is probably gonna be a two-partter because we only got 15 seconds anyway I was too when I was like 15 and they were 20 and like I remember what it was like you know I was so in love I was madly in love I thought they were my soulmate I thought they were my future I thought this was gonna be
I thought that two was gonna be with the rest of my life you know but I was only 15 and then that person did what groomers do you know it shattered me it fucked me up so so bad the Internet is an awful awful place
No it's honestly a really really big problem I was groomed like I want to say three or four times on the Internet by very obvious paedophiles when I was a kid and it shattered me you know it's damaging growing up a room
Nothing is like not necessarily things like that I'm talking about like you should not be judging other people you should not be worried about what other people got going on in their homes or who they like or what they're into like just tend to you
Let's be there on that as honest period honestly like people need to mind their own business like it would be so cool And it would be if I had this super powered or dude, I should I would use it every single time goddamn
I fucking need that where I live, cause all my neighbors are too damn nosy. They'll fucking go outside and pretend to sweep the concrete just to stare at my house and see what we're doing.
We need to get the whole squad over here because honestly we all need to go to that her house to her damn house and slap the shit out of her slept right out of her shut off my phone with me that her
Raise our wages for real because they were here charging $3000 a month and we only you're collecting $16 an hour make it make sense you got that type of money sis raise the wages they doing too much
Yes, federal minimum wage and state minimum wage. None of the 58 states has kept up with inflation the last, what is it, I think 28 years now? So there's that.
That happened in California and like they raised it from $10 to $15 and all that ended up doing was landlords racing their prices more because they knew that the people had more money to pay for it.
Um, actually, fruitcake, if you were to get like, let's just say only three jobs, you can honestly make that much and probably you wouldn't be complaining right now. So just get three jobs. It's not that hard. Uh, huh. Thank you.
Go get an education and go get an education and go get an education and stop working minimum wage jobs and then crying about it do something with your live please
Not even raise the wages just everybody on everything you want that should go grab it it's yours there's many more where that comes from you on that have it the next person can use it after you or if you wanna keep it all right
Stop normalizing sexualizing kids and people all together because it's not cool and it's just downright creepy and And it's being so normal now and people are acting like it's fine, but it's not