Do you think the physical appearance is super important when dating? Or do you feel physical appearance is not that important? It's more of a cherry on top. Me personally, I hope the person is beautiful on the inside. Because you know, for me physical appearance is not the main factor. I think it's more of a compliment. The main thing I look for in the person is if they have a beautiful soul and a beautiful inside. because you can be very handsome, very beautiful on an outside, but be very nasty and ugly on the inside. So I find the looks doesn't matter if you're just an overall bad person. But at the same time, I find looks do play a role because of course we are humans, when we use our eyes and we sometimes we do look at physical appearance, but I don't think it's going to be the main factor in determining this person if I like this person or not. I feel like it's just more of a compliment.