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Would you rather give up sugar or caffeine those are two things that I eat drink every single day I love my morning cup of coffee I am kind of a two cuppa coffee drinker and I also love my sugar but I put sugar in my coffee so what do you think sugar or coffee
So I wrote sugar simply because I can't drink caffeine in the first place I've I can't drink coffee but I think that the effects of sugar are a lot more detrimental than caffeine like if you're a regular coffee drinker you can have black coffee every day and it's not necessarily the best for your stomach lining but sugar is so so so inflammatory and so I think for overall health benefits reducing sugar would probably be some thing I'd recommend first
This is kind of an easy one for me because I don't really drink coffee or have that much caffeine but I love my sweets so yeah I can't give up sugar that easily
Well I really love coffee but I'm also I have a really really really big sweet tooth problems of I don't know what you mean by just like sugary desserts I'd like you to be a little more Certific because just sugar. There anything that includes sugar act like almost every fucking thing sugar in it so I really need to get a sugar anyways cause any loose some damn wait so that's gonna be mad because I love coffee