Okay guys, so this week as of today because I only wanted to have you know some prep for like the next three days I decided to make a ravioli in vodka sauce like meal prep like that's what my meal prep is gonna be this week paired with like a fruit of my choosing which is between peach and pomegranate and last but not least some like salad. So what do you guys think? I made it today and then I you know prepped the rest for the rest of the week and I'm realizing maybe it's too hearty. Like I like it can meal prep be be hearty? I don't know. I feel like it's like very comfort vibes. I don't know if I like I feel like it's like like a thick meal. I don't know how to explain it. Does anyone understand when I'm saying hopefully someone responds to this. Anyways if you have a pasta recipe that you would like to recommend to me. I'd love to hear it.