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Fior Baptiste 695d
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Natalia Lavaggi
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Rivet Soro 685d
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So I'm out with my guy coworkers and they're older and I'm talking like senior management and they're talking about like how they've been married you know once or twice how in the first marriage they were still cheating and like we're out it's a happy hour of it and I like drunk and I just spilling the tea and they're kind of saying how they wouldn't want a woman that would allow them to cheat but so they like they need the discipline They said they need a discipline because they wouldn't want a woman that they could kind of like disrespectfully willing like they want a woman to kind of check them because if they don't it's just like then they basically saying that they want a woman who respects themselves because they don't look like they're unattractive to women whose know who is willing slow man's disrespecting self I'm a little tipsy so I don't know if I'm saying this correctly but basically if you know you have a faithful beautiful loyal woman at home why are you cheating on them Why are y'all cheating on us not ask cause I'm single but you get the picture like explain it and ladies why do you think they're doing it like it's just like do you want a little a little excitement for the night and then you wanna go back to your beautiful loyal faithful wife like it needs to make sense cause I don't but I almost understood him as a sick but I just wanna know like why still cheat if you know you have one like you have the prize at home but then you tiptoe out to cheat with someone just for the night for the hell of it like once Everyone starts on something like this I wanna know
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I think they do it because they're greedy and they have unresolved mommy issues and yeah, because why do you want to do it but you want to be checked? don't be in a relationship of any kind.
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That's what I was saying like how do you like it turn the man on for women to check you cause they claim they want discipline but I still go out and still do the same thing you claim you want to be disciplined on how are you gonna be that like why do you need to be disciplined want to just be faithful keep your dick in your pants you don't like it just makes no sense you're right. They're greedy I'm tired I really am how do you many drinks but I'm tired
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OK I can stay there I can say they are green degrees but you got a Lotta woman on the mouth What time is it that does not recall you're insane subpoena a hood mother like it is so crazy
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Yeah that is most definitely bags is a lot of women out here moving like knickers which is crazy because it's making the girls that are loyal stay down honest good women dedicated to the mason Mason etc. etc. who are now not even be interested because of the women who are out here moving likely guys especially with the good guys or like the guys that are the same ago so sweet of like say but I'll even they're getting place and I really don't I said is that man
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Nobody can't answer the question nobody knows why anybody cheat all I know is that is a powerful thing like ruins a lot of things and a lot of times I think you did it in a message with me
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And it's just like sad that we're giving their dick a brain like why are you being using your dick as your brain like I just I just I just think it's questions any answers you know what I mean like I feel like it's too easily excuse I was just glass there I was like it's like it's not like that we're excepting of it but it's almost like we're excusing their behavior because it's like also just a man like I we don't know why so we just like kind a let it be what it is you know I don't like that
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That's why you got one time to play with Mia Keaton I'm done I don't tolerate it I don't allow it I'm not about to make excuses for that if he had anything for life in the world to be a better place so that's why I say nobody nobody still has anything
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Because if you can if you forget it Gotta go you can't woman move in They were guys moving all day The ocean does everything with a Porten
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1000% agree I'm just not I just know me I know myself way too well and I just know that after you know a man shows me who is I'm going to believe in the first time I can't stick around for the following cause it's only going to continue whatever allows only gonna continue and I don't I don't condone I say so that's why I'm single right now because I can't nobody knows how to be faithful and loyal and 601 amor I saw this Atom has it doesn't even exist for real it's hard
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And yes I do love that you kind of tapped into like the type of air that were in place like almost like I'm not trying to say that I say like cheating is low-key trending and when I'm saying it to the point where it's like everybody's doing it Nana Cearley because I want to look at this person doing it it's like it's like becoming the norm and it's really sick it's like I'm sure there are like a nice little sprinkle sprinkle of good men out there or the ones are good nobody wants them I actually just made a soundbite about that and I want us to elaborate on why we don't give
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Amen to that sister I'm the same way you got one time to show me sorry I want to hurt by losing you didn't hurt by being with you that is so backwards
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And I only bring up arrow because I was cooler blessed for so long because everybody understand understand a communication teamwork it wasn't no distractions it wasn't all the social media all this shit people always ask me what do you think the problem is when you come to love nowadays distraction social media Ollies outlet so you can go and leftover big booty bitches in compared to your girlfriend go talk to your boys about how you want the same thing it's too many distractions back in the day they have shit but
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It cut off for me but that's why I love this app girl back in the day they have no choice but to go and hit it hit the nail on Hegel talk about it go let's go let's work it out where the Novo I'm just gonna fuck it up blocker are you not saying block all communication and she can't get in touch with me like petty shit is too many distractions that's why I'm not being on social media is is built to distract us it's too many things putting people face for them to do too much shit back in the day we had they have it
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What's wrong with trying something new?
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I I get out my responses with that that's not what I'm trying to hear Mr. unfaithful I need to you don't need a faithful man and my responses with faithful man and my response only thank you
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You could always try something new but make sure you got nobody waiting for you at home when you fly home
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That's what I'm saying with the new piece of it like why do you have to try something new outside of your home why is your day going outside of your home like why don't make no sense especially if you're married even if we don't keep if I can I got a girlfriend like why am I your girlfriend if you want to keep trying some new next season that's soon as you see a new little shiny toy you ready to pounce on it like it's crazy that is absolutely crazy and I'm just kidding I'm just I lose all but I'm almost there
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To be truthfully honest with you I believe it's it's always a plus with the reasons why specifically mentioned sometimes no matter how faithful girl lose her some thing that she may have done as she normally does
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She could have some certain stipulations motor comes to sex between the two of them or she could be with holding him again these are just reasonings I'm not saying I condone or justify these things but I'm just saying for the sake of answering a question
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Abdul actually believe it's a layered it's a layered answer to it cause a lot of time on here but I need a number of reasons why men do it action
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So for the sake of a woman holding out I'm not gonna condone it and either but at that point if you're not gonna do it there's somebody out there who will I've always been a firm believer of that piece of it and we're gonna look at it in that light I actually could get it because you know if I wanted to get you know my man's goodies eggplant if you will I feel that I'm gonna I want to get a summer
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OK so I got cut off I don't know win but basically I'm saying like if my man was holding for me while I'm probably gonna think you're cheating because why would you be holding out on me but that's not as common for a man to be holding I was just going to lead me to believe that you're up to some thing or you could be cheating on me so I don't know I just feel like there is multiple layers and I get that but I need these explanations behind these layers like if it doesn't make sense and I don't if I can't catch your drift in anyway I don't know
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It's kind of like if I can't understand like where you're coming from I am in pain I can I'm a very understanding individual I'm not ever going to say anything that people do is right but if I can say that I can see that I at least have to be able to say that because I can only say that that means to me you have no business doing the things that you're doing like. If you want is giving you the kitties every other night every night or what have you guys agreed upon why are you going to look over something next best thing with the wife
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Oh they just be desperate for anything they can get for real
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Yeah and it's just really sad like I genuinely do not get the point of it whatsoever like it is genuinely does not make any sense to me because if you really already got the baddest thing like and I wish you thought at the time when you come after the baddest thing walking why are you going out seeking for like a bottom of the barrel bitch just to have sex with like it doesn't make sense especially if like your girl that your current guy checks up all your boxes like why what's the point
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It's a lack of understanding what true love is they are broken inside they are insecure and prideful or all the above when you have a good thing you know how to appreciate it and if you don't have a true of a revelation of your identity you're constantly going to be chasing things of the world sex money relationships all that stuff status to try to fill a void but no matter what they can't fill it in so unfortunately self sabotage happens even when you got a really good thing in front of you
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Nuttallia you always come with like the best responses like at this point you just be my therapist because you say the most relevant things and it's always so factual literally that's exactly what I believe it is in a mixture of like how they were raised in a lot of things I did too but everything you said was 1000% accurate and that's why I just love when you respond to my little soundbite so love you girl for that
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The men that she on the faithful beautiful women you know the same respectfully they just didn't have that type of home training I hope you don't say that and see an example say I'm blessed enough to have an example you know I have two loving parents you know they all lovey-dovey with each other and we're not do the ups and downs did you know they still rock with each other you know I was fortunate enough to see that you know I'm saying to my how my father was respectful to my mother I have a mothers back to my father
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I'm so a lot of these men you know drunk they never had that example you know they have like father so you know deadbeat fathers do you know who I am from women and women you know I'm single with whenever the picture to begin with you for me sold old is your soul was you know they mother you know what hold of you no different then you know so they looking at it like man so make it pretty much go hop in one for women women and pretty much can do whatever they want one or consequences sort of Ray
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No that's one thing I don't think what I keep saying is I be honest with your attention that are you going to why you gonna waste all that time the marriage all that you know the wedding the ring all the gowns that you know the suits another at the end of the day you still want to ask single you know I'm saying so that's why I'm saying like you'll be honest with yourself do really truly want to marry this person you really wanna be with this person for real you wanna be in a relationship be honest with yourself if you just there for the sex just there like oh yeah cause you're just gonna be bomb let it be known
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Stuff like this right there now you just wasting time you were some peoples money or you waste your money to they go to Sam soul Life for me before she like if you got something is going on the relationship that it's like making you want to see what her because nothing can make it she ate today is your choice but I'm saying is talk to the person communicate be like yo Ma not give me no buns are not here like you're not you're not you're not give me no top of pleasure
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I'm a mole we first met with first or kicking it may you were just talking and she sent me now all of a sudden it's like you just stop like enough let me know more I was going on here they hold like come on like you could be you know starving me out here yeah like come on like let me let me get some for Tom time you'll let it be known they were saying like a little bit no communicate If you have something to say it grandson don't hold it in
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That's a good question I have a rule I could never be me shit I'm always be faithful fuck all that shit
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because they ain't shit
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Because two pussies are better than one.
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