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Who was at fault for the ending of your last relationship did like your cheat days he was like a mutual ending or like how did it in like did someone have to move or like another so many reasons to end a relationship so please spill the tea
Oh let's see I could say shit you know I could say it was me My girlfriend took me to on a trip that must be a quite friend I didn't want to go on but she took me on this trip and I guess you know I may buy maybe maybe have shown some ungratefulness here now even though I told her I didn't wanna go to the strip so while we're on a trip she kind of took offense to it and yeah she broke up with me but a man
It was four months we weren't exclusive but we told each other that we weren't seeing anybody else and that if we did we let other person know ASAP towards the end of the relationship maybe like two weeks before it ended he said he was seeing his ex that came back into his life and that I was someone that was completely different and like a positive that he got scared of losing that so he fell backwards
It was kind of like she was wasting my motherfucking time I was at a whole year being with this girl bro she waste my time you're saying what the fuck Tatian
Say I'ma say how it is bro so like basically two times on different occasions some food for hitting me up talking about oh is this song is so how do you know where blah blah and like that's my girl at the time you send me so that happened to time so the second time bro I was like fuck you bitch I'm in I'm killing you and I by blasé blasé for me but like I was a really gonna do that she rolls talking out of anger issues but like that's what happened and she left me and Jose are cool Siri
Doesn't matter the relationship ended I still took that shit cause I'm a fucking gremlin brother I need a purpose fake I knew the love would not last but I still wanna do it at first cause I'm a gremlin wow