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I really want to know how people feel about body counts men and women this is like a great topic for both because I feel like it's a double standard because when men sleep with whoever and they want whenever they want it's not a problem but when women do it women are slut shamed for it so I really want to know everyone's views on body count doesn't matter how many it's too many people like once like a good number that you think it's like enough for you to be able to date them so forth and someone that I want to let's talk about everything
I mean here's the thing about body count women care about a man's future men care about a woman's past so yeah Body Count does matter I mean you want to be able to be proud of the mother of your children and you don't want your kids he made fun of her having an only fans mom you know
OK so I have a only fans mom that that's a little tough because the ones on the Internet can't take it back it's there forever so I told him 1000% agree with that to the certain extent because obvious
But I do you like the way that you put it because women we truly do care about your future if your pass a little rough but like like that so you have kids then I am going to care about your past because you're the mother of your children they're not going anywhere tonight now becomes my your path in your feet
For men, you see men and women body count, respectfully, it's not the same. But all I'm gonna say is just be careful out there, man. so many STDs out there.
So many disease convenience try to be personally I don't like sleeping around I just that's not my cup of tea I have to really know you if I want to you know I love you I don't know you had to be coupled with you in order for me to assist you
All I say is if that shit is hitting triple digits and you in your 20s and your 30s respectfully Alright, see ya together, 30 pc. Yu-hu! get the fuck up. Just expectancy. Uh uh! WHY��� the second pokemon in 28? And we could ролwie combine that mass of 25, huh. Look it's not the math.
I definitely feel you on the diseases and all that but think about it like what are peoples excuse today is all they've been product protected for every encounter so that makes it a little different for that piece of it however
However I do believe that there can be too many bodies but we are saying triple digit are you saying like there up in there like the 30s are you mean like in the hundreds cause that's like that's just that's just trifling
I didn't even know you said this twice but you never answer my question how did you get to 300 and how old are you that was my other question that you never answered how old are you to have a body count or 300 how does one get there cause I don't wanna know how I would every I don't want to ever get there
Firstly it does matter to me because it's like I don't want something that everyone's you know being able to obtain Purity is a big factor with the my religion and whatnot.
I hear you, but then I just hate the fact that men make it such a double standard. So it's like, what about all the women that were able to obtain you as well? You know what I mean? Like, I feel like it just, it can't be a double standard if that's going to be a reason. That's what I'm thinking.
I just think that life is always going to take you in so many different directions and somebody's past should never be the reason why you're judging them because you weren't there so
I hate that men can get away with it and women can't so I just don't think it should matter and obviously if there were some sort of issues that led someone to do that that should've been dealt with because
1000% agree that it's extremely unfair. We are always looked shamed as women, but I feel like as women we also don't, you know, we say like, oh, he's for the streets and all that, but we don't shame them enough.
But it's like also just weird how we all like think because when you guys are talking about other guy sleeping with other women that all you get the holes like you got the old when girls talk about it it's like oh she's a hoe like we're not getting each other up for like having 20 body
I think it depends on the person you're dealing with because everybody has their own pass I know a girl already have 20 body if you don't think so for her that might be nothing but for a girl who only has like three or four obviously that's
I think it depends on the situation if it implies that they have a sex addiction or something along those lines and I think that's a big problem but if it's I'm just simply you know friends with benefits type situation kind of thing it's not a problem
Yeah like if you have like a serious sex additional grave already had sex with like over 100 women like obviously you seriously have a problem like you seriously need to seek help so I can agree with that that makes that makes playing events so I can agree
I don't think somebody's past should be a reflection of their present like what if you were a porn star and you decided to change your ways and you completely transformed so what