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So if the person you have been crushing on randomly just drop this link of an only fans link in bio 999 are you gonna like cancel them and not look like them anymore or are you gonna like route them on because they now all of a sudden got this little second stream of income what are you doing I want to know
I got to say you're cancel that I just can't do it I mean I I know we both have a past we've been with other people before we haven't met each other in all of that jazz but anything in current NAV can you do it
What if you like already fell in love with them like them what are you gonna do you just got up and leave because the lonely friend the love your life listen this is not the living life what are you doing
OK John I see you a little confident businessman I'm not too many men would be OK with their woman showing all the goodies to the universe but I mean I guess I'm if you get if you like it I love it I don't know I don't know if I could do it though
Somethings like if you must Shorty like you know I'm saying and I'm your man's my bodies yours your bodies my universe in his life only us we seen this you know saying why everybody else got this year
So especially if she is my crush by had a crush if I had a crush and she had her you know all this as the Navarone not look the other way I can do that
I feel you I just wouldn't want my man's dick out for the whole Internet to see where it's just like anybody knows of a man's dick look like you know I'm saying like why am I need to know and then if it's not me and then why me and my man even Internet he is doing it with me like what are we gonna do
Just like what you say there's way more ways to make money and honestly I feel like it's really unnecessary I mean you bought that life and you not thinking too much about other things in the future
But I just have to go on the Internet if I can answer in a bag is gone forever be on the Internet so it's kind of like why would you want to do that he is out even if it is for a temporary financial gain like I don't know I don't really mess with that I agree with you