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Okay, so I have never been in a relationship where me and my partner were like very much so in sync. And that also goes like in regards to like how we dress. So that brings me to my question. Would you and your partner, would you guys like, you know, dress the same or like have the same color schemes? I'm all for it and yes I would love to be a head ass with my husband but what about you guys chime in let me know am I the only head ass or are there other people like me out there. Let me know.
I feel like me and my partner only dress alike if we're planning to go somewhere and take photos or if we just want people to know like we're together or something but like on a regular Dougندay,700
Okay, no, I feel it, I feel it, especially like for the photos. And then like, obviously, you know, if y'all are going out and you want, you know, people to know like, yeah, that's me right there. get it.
First of all can someone explain what headers means to me and now I don't think my partner and I would dress the same unless it was for like a photo shoot or something
And to add onto that I don't really put a lot of effort into how I look like honestly wearing jeans and a T-shirt and tennis shoes so if we did end up matching it wouldn't be because I put an effort to do so
Okay, so head ass, like it's head and then ass. Um, but basically like corny, cheesy type shit. Um, you know. But okay, no that's not bad, that's not bad. It's perfectly fine.
Okay, so I have a cousin who is always in sync with like her color schemes. She's just organized like that, but when they have pictures they come out so bomb. So if we are, you know, taking pictures, yeah.
No, they definitely need to make the replies at least like 30 seconds because it would help out a lot, but um Yes, no, I'm in full agreeance. Um Because why the fuck we need a match going to the store? Like no.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm a country boy, born and raised. So I usually have to admit that the Mrs is far better dressed than I am. But when we go out, dress nicely, dress up, yeah, absolutely. I love doing the math.
Oh, that's nice. That's nice. Well, you know, I'm sure she probably helps out. I know my husband who helped me out with certain outfits. So, you know, that's nice.
I mean, maybe also to, I mean, sometimes guys are for it, sometimes they're not. You know, and maybe the next guy that you do find is like into that kind of stuff, so Who knows? Who knows?
So my husband and I would never walk around dressed like twins, but our colors do kind of match. For instance, if he has black pants and a white shirt, I maybe have white pants and a black shirt. So we do something like that.
So me and my girlfriend definitely are headasses with you It's so funny because we have always kind of been on sync where even on our first date We had similar, we literally had the exact same pattern, but on a different
On a different article of clothing and the exact same colors like what are the odds? It was the cutest thing ever and we always try to match every single day because like why not it's kind of cute
Dress randomly like casual but then I turn around I see my wife damn near wearing the same thing I got on light well not the exact same thing like the same color
I wouldn't necessarily say that we have to dress like the same and so much like you can tell that we're matching but I think it's important to like be coordinated somewhat and I like have some thing that like looks good together