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Liv 689d
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Modomz 689d
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GlobbiePippen 689d
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Brenda Sanchez
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Lizzy 684d
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Henny 684d
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Doja Nat 684d
Doja Nat
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Alondra Ruiz 682d
Alondra Ruiz
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Chinedu Kalu 681d
Chinedu Kalu
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Hey guys so I've actually seen him a few videos on this but a lot of people seem to agree that fruit taste better outside of the US let me know what you think I honestly think that for some reason the taste sweeter and like more fresh if that makes any sense let me know
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Yeah, I definitely think it does probably because they have just like healthier ways of growing it like they have more nutrients in their soil and they use a lot less pesticides and stuff like that. I think that's probably why.
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Yeah I think this is more natural and it doesn't have any sweeteners or any other sort of chemicals inside but I think the ripening used to meet for transportation and bring it over to the US probably which makes it last longer shoes it's a little bit less natural but I don't know I'm re-educate owner
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I feel like vegetables taste better in different parts of the country. So I would believe fruits do taste better outside the US. because it's just probably grown better with less bullshit in it.
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Yes, I think the fruit in Mexico, it's way better than the US one. Maybe it doesn't have pesticides like here. And I like to buy prepared already so it makes it better
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Yes, it does. 100%.
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See I'm not from the US but I can deafly still up for it is but outside of England I just feel like when you go to a certain places it is more authentic and genuine it is proper after that I can taste the Fillmore
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Yeah I definitely agree I think it honestly just says more fashion that another something about every time I go to Columbia and have the fruit of your juices like it is to die for
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yeah I agree most fruit tastes watermelon is one of them it's more flavorful and yeah I feel like over there they just don't like accelerate I guess the process of just getting it to the market they really allow them to grow.
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There is yeah 100% because I feel like a lot of the stuff that a lot of chemicals that are used to preserve food in the US the ban in the UK and Europe like three stars in America are literally so shit on them as a prize
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