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Vivaciousone 679d
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Vivaciousone 679d
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What is harder for you to give up sweet snacks or salty snacks personally for me it's the sweet snacks I'm really good about not you know over eating anything that's like french fries or pizza and that kind of thing but I have a huge sweet tooth so I will struggle a bit more with that
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Sweet snacks because literally almost everything has salt in it some milks have salt Crackers cookies have salt in them Ice cream has salt in it Hmm trying to think some breads um Um, a lot of things I've salted. Heh. Some water. Um...
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I mean, you technically need both to survive a balance of sweet and salts. It just, I think it all depends on whether or not it's natural salt and natural, I mean natural sweetness. If you're eating a bunch of artificial and refined salts and sugars and sweet, you're more likely to get diabetes, but if it's from the nature fruits, vegetables, etc. and it's not tempered with.
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