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Liv 687d
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Armani Monche 686d
Armani Monche
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Lizzy 683d
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Doja Nat 683d
Doja Nat
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Bethany Dingman
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Alondra Ruiz 683d
Alondra Ruiz
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Triggzy 682d
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Gary Oneil 681d
Gary Oneil
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Brenda Sanchez
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Iesha Andrews 677d
Iesha Andrews
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Do you think having a private chef is worth it? Honestly, I would say yes. The thing I struggle with the most is my nutrition and I feel like having a private chef would, you know, get me to where I want to be a lot faster.
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Yeah, I feel the exact same way. If I had enough money, that would be the first thing I would invest in just because I feel like my diet and nutrition would be so much better just because I don't like cooking.
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For me personally, I don't think it's worth it because I enjoy cooking and experimenting in the kitchen. And I do love to do this stuff with my partner. It's very good quality time for the both of us. um you know it's not really a chore when we're cooking together so uh i don't think a private chef is worth it
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Yeah definitely it would be helpful way to get all my food in and yeah they think it is worth it if I had money I would definitely do that
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I deafly would have a private chef if I had the money too so I definitely do think it's worth it if you have the money especially if you're really busy
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I would love to be able to afford a private chef. I would definitely think that for myself it would be worth it just because that way I know I'm eating well and I don't have to Don't worry about making the food.
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I think it's worth it because cooking takes a lot of time and if you can outsource it if you have the means and we can do better things with that time I I think it's completely worth it.
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If it financially makes sense and you have that money to spend then I would say it's worth it And especially for not someone who cooks or another present it comes to cooking or healthy Moses app
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If you have the money to spend, then why not?
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No, if you have the means to do so Then why not but I wouldn't really say a private chef I would say a private nutritionist and then a private chef car the chef is just there to cook you need a nutritionist to tell you what's healthy.
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Yeah, I feel like it's 100% worth it to pattern your diet, your health. that allows you to just think better as all.
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Honestly, if I had the money, I would get a private shift, but I'm broke, so I can't have that luxury.
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We agree with you on that because like we all struggle with that aspect of what to eat carbs, no carbs, nutrition, no nutrition, keto, no keto, like bread good, bread bad, like this drink, this water, you know, so somebody giving you the right tools that is I guess customized for you, yes, hiccups, and also having like a private trainer or something like that. I definitely need that, but it costs money, so that's the fact.
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