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Denise Osorio 684d
Denise Osorio
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Cristiana Norielle
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Cristiana Norielle
Doja Nat 681d
Doja Nat
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Alondra Ruiz 681d
Alondra Ruiz
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Hey guys so I have really thin hair and I've been looking you know to have a grow thicker and just more because anytime I do a hairstyle it's you know the super tiny little ponytail or the super tiny bun so yeah let me know if you have any recommendations and you know how to get your hair thicker
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What I've been doing is always after the shower put in some type of lotions or leave in conditioner to my hair so I can avoid breakage and also when I shower I always massage my scalp but I got a little brush from Amazon and I started going in circles along with my shampoo
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I won hundred percent recommend doing scalp massages during your shower and another thing that I do is an hour before my shower I put some casserole on like the tanning spots and just massage it in there and then I rinse it off from the shampoo when I shower I heard that biotin is good but I don't know I haven't really proven that and I am Also rosemary oil
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I would also suggest since you said you always have a small little ponytail or bun to just let your hair breathe once in a while and don't have your hair tugging at your scalp all the time
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I honestly have no idea I mean I just started taking supplements recently and like iron but I guess I'll see how that helps because I have the same problem for sure
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I heard that rosemary water and rosemary oil help with hair growth and to stop any like hair fall.
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