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So there's a question for those of you that I am lead healthy lifestyles with us going to the gym or playing sports and whether or not it's a career for you or if it's just a normal lifestyle do you guys eat your greens your fruit or veg And how important is that or do you kind of just not really you know the focus on your diet too much photosynthesis you know all this healthy eater scientific stuff is it really necessary
I think a good relationship with food in general is extremely important and necessary, as in for me at least. As in don't eat fried food every day, fast food and unhealthy food every day. Eat it maybe like once or twice a week but in general just have a healthy diet and just be active. You don't have to go to the gym all the time but just move around as much as much as you can.
I think you do. People don't understand that obviously there's the calorie aspect but you need to understand that calories depend on like they can vary like you can have a chocolate bar and it can be x amount of calories and you can have veg that's that amount but the thing is obviously one's just made out of pure sugar and chemicals and ones made out of healthy fruits.
I don't want to think it's important to have a good healthy relationship with food I'm not like 100% straight every single day I can't find balance but I do make an effort to eat my greens and in moderation even if you're not working out like it just you know you want to have every day life
Honestly it's not about eating healthy it's just making sure that you get certain vitamins within your diet but like I ran collegiately for six years and like our post track meet meals people look at us like you guys are collegiate runners like why are you eating Wendy's or why are you eating jets pizza But a lot of us just make sure we have colorful pallets as well although we are eating unhealthy