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But I'm so over the one size fits all I'm saying so I have been going around America forever and I'm talking about like salt is bad for you sugar is bad for you and it's just not true for everyone so I found myself like limiting those things sometimes and feeling guilty when in reality my blood pressure has always been extremely low which means salt is not going to harm me as far as that goes also I've studied and learned that not everyone with high blood pressure house to avoid salt in fact a doctor would have to do a specific test to find that out but just to be on the safe side they use it as a blanket statement that everyone should avoid salt it's just not true for everyone and sugar I have low blood sugar sometimes which means my doctor told me to have a can of soda handy so It's just annoying that like people use these statements to like be a oh one size fits all and it's also sad because American healthcare is shit so everyone's trying to like figure things out themselves but yeah just a little rant
I think that they're both bad for everyone and excessive I mean it if someone sits there and is eating seven donuts a day and like eight cookies they're probably going to get diabetes like they're probably going to get it for me I have to watch my sugar intake because I am like a little bit notch of being pre-diabetic with sugar but my blood sugar my blood pressure is low and it
But like my blood pressure is low and it's always been on the lower end so I just think that these things are going to kill us if we're not consuming them in the extreme you know any mean like if we were sitting there eating five McDonald's cheeseburgers a day it's not just the salt that would affect us it's the saturated fat
Oh totally agree I'm talking about physical salt that you sprinkle on homemade food I'm not talking about like McDonald's I think that McDonald's is absolutely terrible for you and same with donuts like you said in moderation people who eat 10 donuts or a donut every single day like of course I think they're going to be fat I'm also talking about pure sugar like a teaspoon in your coffee
So yeah when I say stuff like this I think my diet is overall pretty on the healthy side so when I yeah when I talk about salt and sugar it's not like the junk foods like it's just using that in your food on a daily basis like my grandma did and occasionally she'd have desserts but not all the time
OK I think I would love an anime I just haven't gotten into it I'm like a recovering film school nerd but I was also a single mom for most of my life so I didn't really have time to get into anything but enemies on my list cause I want to love it
I think it's also highly dependent on the sources of the sodium and the fructose or the sucrose that people are consuming so for me I don't necessarily completely stay away from sugar I've talked about sugar profoundly as a health coach but I'm always trying to educate people that depending on what type of foods you're eating you can't see that sugar is all bad I love to enjoy an occasional treat because it's something that I don't feel guilty about because I eat normally healthy whole food but it's the source that I think it matters a lot to
Yes, 100% agree. And when I was talking about salt and sugar, I mean using it myself when I cook. I don't mean like consuming high salt foods like fast food or eating dessert every single day and replace of meals, you know? so I totally agree with you.
For the most part the modern American diet is too concentrated in processed foods that are not nutritious enough so if people are consuming excess amounts of salt because they're eating lots of fast food microwave food like processed foods and I can see where that can be you know something that's not encourage and same for sugar to people are eating you know and drinking way too much sugar that is not source from Whole Foods and so there's a cascade of reasons why I would go against that
Yeah I am a person I mean now that I'm in Italy I don't need any processed food nothing I buy is in a box but also in America I mean I grew up on a Mediterranean diet so my habits were so I always eat whole foods so when I talk about salt and sugar I mean like putting a teaspoon of sugar in my coffee and not feeling guilty about it and sprinkling salt up my food but not process processed as a whole other animal totally agree
No also as a person who has a lower blood pressure like on the normal side but like lower I always have fruits and and you know snacks always I always have granola I always have fruits a good banana or an apple just so that I don't have that low light glycaemic drop but I prefer that over like oh I'm gonna go Russian have a Slurpee or like a TicTac like you know some kind of chocolate bar that's not healthy so I think that there's moderation for everybody and you can't make blanket statement because everyone's unique
Yep I agree and that's me too I mean I always eat fruits every single day but I think it's ridiculous like some people were super overweight and they tell me like to not eat fruits because there's sugar in it and that to me is ridiculous that people are so brainwashed that like even fruit is bad for you when I think like I've been eating fruit every day in my life and I'm not gonna stop because there's sugar in it