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I have a very very conspiracy type of friend who I will talk to about stuff but like in my head I know to take everything with a grain of sand like I don't know the truth about stuff and also I'm not gonna go crazy being a conspiracy theorist but I just think there are some people who take it too fucking far And when I realize this friend was over the edge is when he said that he can see if someone has a demon in them just by looking at a picture that's when I was like OK dude these are the kind of people who end up doing really crazy crimes because God told them to you don't I'm saying so those kind of people I keep it arm's-length because it can get scary do you know what I mean
Yo, you're not wrong. Conspiracy type people in this country are modern day *****. And I'm not exaggerating. Like, they're being pushed to the fringes to believe such crazy shit so that people enact a fucking agenda of hatred in this country. So don't just call these people weird. Call them out on their stupid bullshit and make them feel dumb. because ****** is not cool.
I mean I agree but I am one of those people who loves reading about colds and cats conspiracies and I'm so sad because my adult daughters during the pandemic thought that I was being a conspiracy conspiracy theorist and I was like no no I am not easily swayed I've always wanted to read about all the sides and try to see what people are thinking and stuff but I agree with you it's getting really scary
I mean it is a lot of fun going down rabbit holes but you have to just keep your bearings you know so you don't get lost down one of those rabbit holes
Oh my god that is insane I demon OK so I can definitely tell with talking with someone like you know 15 minutes if I if I feel bad energy like evil energy you know like I I will feel that but I don't know it's like in a 15 minute time frame so I definitely can but I wouldn't say oh my God I can see that someone's a bad person from it
Exactly and I'm so glad you said 15 minutes cause I hate when people are like I can just be with someone for two minutes because you're right and sometimes I even have to see someone multiple times to really understand because I am such an empath and sometimes I actually see the good side and bad people but for the most part yeah it's ridiculous when people start thinking they're like superheroes who can see stuff through a photograph it's just not fair also it really isn't fair
Conspiracy theorist are fucking insane but very very entertaining people and people that are you know you're good I think I have an interesting conversation with those people but they're definitely a little scary on and off
Exactly it's so much fun talking to them and the funny thing is is like after talking to my friend he probably thinks I am like a mass of conspiracy theories just because I let people like judgment free talking now but here I am scared because sometimes people push it too far it's like oh damn do you actually believe that so I think it's good to let conspiracy theory theorist talk because then you get to really know how crazy
Yeah, I mean, the wild thing about the term conspiracy is it's automatically pegged to people who wear tin hats type vibe. However, I feel like it's almost like a derogatory term because we should always take everything with a grain of salt and question why. You know what I'm saying? applies for everything in life, including the way we act in our own life.