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Okay, I know this is gonna spark up a conversation, but does it matter what kind of car the person you're dating drives? I grew up going to luxury car shows and I know a lot about the brands firsthand and I will say it is definitely awesome to know a guy who is very knowledgeable in that But I also have met other guys that literally do not care what car they have as long as they get some from point a to Be regardless. I think it's a blessing to have a car and I'm just curious to know what you guys think because for me I am a bit more on the picky side but I'm not gonna stop dating them you know what I mean like I'm just gonna wonder okay like is this is what really makes you happy then yeah Keep it, but if you want to work for better than all the more power to you
Oh wow, awesome! Okay, well I'm glad it doesn't matter to you because I know for some people it really does make a difference but good to hear your perspective.
You're totally right that this is going to spark something. Like for me, I think it's one of the worst ways to measure someone's like intentions or lifestyle by like so many people who can't afford a good car, we'll get it. And that just doesn't make sense.
Totally get where you're coming from. I'm talking about as well from a cultural point too because I'm Persian and and my culture is very status-heavy. So you will see a lot of Persians have Mercedes or BMWs, like that's just common these days.
Now am I saying that's the way you should measure someone's lifestyle or success? Uh, no, not really because of what you just said as well, but it tends to happen regardless. like people are gonna be out there judging you on everything really.
I like a man who carries himself well so definitely the car should not be broken or rusted and dirty on the inside. I don't mind if the AC and radio aren't working, as long as I know that he has a plan to fix it because, you know, life happens.
Not that y'all asked for my opinion but no I don't care just like I don't care about height I don't care about size I don't care about whatever if I like your vibe I like your vibe my boyfriend drives a 1994 Toyota pick up and we be fucking Vibin are used to have a 1994 Ford ranger we chilling it's cool I don't care
I don't really care when it comes to what cars they drive I mean if they have a luxury car is kind of nice to sit inside once in a while be like wow you know it's so nice so clean but other than that I don't have a girl over the guys car and I had a long year of tinder dates and let me tell you some had a good car some had bad cars some had what the fuck cars and die just them based on their personality more than what they have
I'm here would love for you to talk about what it's like to be a woman with car knowledge because it is super interesting like I don't really have that experience but I have experience being a general contractor and then just what it's what it's what you don't like female and a male dominated community or industry or whatever but as far as what they drive now it doesn't matter on a used matter back in the day whenever I was younger but now now