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This is really random, but I have been just thinking about a time before my partner came into my life and how once somebody told me that there are certain questions you should never ask someone you're dating and one of them in particular is related to body count. And I was like, oh, huh, that's so interesting. I don't know, maybe things have changed, maybe people are way more open. I'm not, you know, entirely in the loop now because even things I'm seeing on TikTok really throws me off because I still get baffled by the things I'm seeing and hearing on there. But yeah, I just want to know what's something you should never ask someone you're dating.
I don't know this whole like Don't ask this don't ask that don't ask this I'm not gonna be with someone in a relationship and start investing my time energy Emotions money if I can't ask whatever I want to ask I'm not gonna be restricted. So shout out to those who put restrictions on on questioning a potential significant other. That makes no sense to me though.
I just want to say you are so awesome with the answer that you gave I couldn't said it better myself that was beyond awesome but yeah I do love that that there's no restrictions in the person that you are receiving relationship with I think that is very important and that also shows that you don't have any trust issues or any reservations about how they view or think of you proud that's awesome
I advise following the rules of basic social etiquette, which are designed to help social interactions run more smoothly and to minimize embarrassment and intrusivity. And I highly recommend that everyone take at least one beginner level etiquette course and own one modern etiquette book, both of which will teach you how to navigate all kinds of social situations with poise.
Popping back in real quick to say here what I say to my female clients. Do not ask any interview question on any date period. This is tough for today's women to understand, but you've got to trust the process. If a man likes you and is interested in you, then he will volunteer all of these answers and let you into his inner world of his own volition because he's trying to impress you. and he will give you better answers than he would have had you inappropriately included into his inner world because now he wants you there.
I am bemused by today's No Boundaries approach to dating, in which we think we are entitled to know a bunch of private, deeply personal information about somebody just because we're on a date with them. They haven't even expressed interest in being in a relationship with us, yet we ask a bunch of intrusive questions. So many of us don't know how to get to know somebody, but only how to be nosy, and would benefit greatly from learning not only social etiquette, but conversation skills.
Good evening I hope that your evening is going well and I would have to say I highly disagree with you on that interview questions should be asked on dates why it's not it's not even ask you and her as being intrusive or entitled but more so as being interested in my work and what I do when I like when I don't like annoying about me as a person now it's up to me if I want to devote more into those questions and give her the full affect after class
Sorry about that so it's up to me if I wanted to Bob Declan to the questions that she's asking like I said in the prior message it shows her interest in me as a person from now if I'm on a date and she's not asking any questions interview questions that you called them then what is the purpose of me even doing this day why am I here what are we doing Just my thoughts
Hello there. I have a few responses for you. Number one, it's okay to ask questions, but it's unwise to conduct husband screening, which is what that is, on a man before you get to know him or even determine if you like him, which is different from biochemically responding to him. And as women, we so easily fall into becoming the wives of men who have not married us or even even made moves to do so, that we must proactively protect ourselves against that.
Number two, it's unwise to interview men because that is how women get played. And I'm talking about the men who know what they're doing. They know what you want to hear and they will say it all. And even for the men who are not players, they have their canned answers to these canned questions. It's just not a good way to get to know somebody. And frankly, it works much better when he doesn't have to be in his head so much when he's with you and when being on a date with you is not like being on the job.
Number three, the interviewing shows that you are of a lower social class. I don't mean that as an insult or to imply inferiority, but simply as a statement of fact, you are deselecting yourself from men of higher social standing because you are too risky. He probably cannot introduce you to his people without you embarrassing him. There are questions that you never ask because they are intrusive and potentially embarrassing. If he wants you in his private business, trust and believe he will take you there himself.
I could go on and on, but I'll spare you. Just know that there is a better way that leads to stronger marriages and families. And that's what I teach women.
Adding this as well, I am a marriage expert who specializes in guiding women, but I can guide men here too. Notice how the question here is not about someone to whom you have made a commitment, or about someone who has made a commitment to you, or about someone who has even expressed such an interest, but about someone you are simply dating, which does not entitle you to their private information. The total lack of boundaries is an indication that you are dealing with someone who is mentally ill, And this is one of the main reasons why women do not get asked on second dates.
Furthermore, asking intrusive questions robs you of an opportunity to gauge how much this person likes you. Because if someone is truly interested in you, then they want you in their business. They want you in their inner world, and they will invite you in. There's no need to bulldoze your way in. And if they do not invite you in, then that too provides vital information about your place in their world. It just works out better in the long run when it's by invitation only.
Miss Melina can you do me a quick favor just give me a timeline like how long have you been dating him what is this a new relationship have you been relationship for a while are you guys just getting to know each other including him let me know and then I'll be better after answering your question
OK for me like I feel like she never asked someone who they did in the past because it just brings up bad vibes not going by and I still do that so yeah I don't do that
You're one thing you should never ask where are you fuck nobody I'm just think we're quick on one thing you should've asked us how do you wanna be treated in relationship and shit like that because you got a thing for yourself and shit like how you wanna be treated and how you wanna treat them
Probably nothing involving with like intimacy in the bed and at work, that's why I had to word it that way. So um, that I think to me is like, why is that like priority? Now okay, people have their priorities, let me not say that, people have their own different priorities okay, but I don't know, I think maybe on the first day play it safe, just in case you know, I don't know.
It just sounds so carnal, I don't know, like, and some people like, you know, that type of, those type of questions at the get-go, maybe, you know, some people do, but it's like they don't know you, they don't know how you rock and roll, so I feel like hold off on all those things until you, like, get comfortable with them, you know, which more or less could be, like, after the first day.