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Alright, so since I'm talking about the ick and cheating and like all these things that could cause a relationship to end I want to know how would you move on? Whether things came to a civil end like things just didn't work out because of compatibility or something more on the severe side of like I said cheating For me believe it or not, I I actually put my phone on Do Not Disturb and I watch a funny movie. I cook my favorite meal. I read a really good book. I paint. I write in like a journal. I just do things to get me away from my phone because I don't want to mindlessly scroll and come across something I don't want to read, you know? But that's just me. That's just me. And it's interesting because my job is in the digital space. So I like to be away from that as much as possible in a time like this. But yeah, I'm just curious to know what you do.
OK so how do I move on I dance I watch anime specifically Nana and yell it talk to me the whole time I sing I'm not gonna lie I cry and I get over it I pray to above everything
Oh wow, I absolutely love your answer. I feel like we would be such great friends because most of what you said are things I already do, especially singing and dancing and getting those feelings out there. Love it!
I would just block them on everything and move that's just a Leo and me but blocking and muting and moving on is the best way for me to move on to be honest
I'm an Aquarius, but I definitely agree with you. I love Leo's. And I will say that, you know, I feel like when you block them or delete, it's really like out of sight, out of mind type of thing. So yeah, right there with you.
Yeah I'm trying to do better about like not just blocking people or deleting them I literally do a day yesterday but for me that just helps not having to build up anxiety after dealing with you like I say out of mind everything
Yeah, exactly. That's why I was saying that you know out of sight out of mind it refers to my own anxiety anxiety because I feel like having somebody stick around after you know things are not feeling the greatest is that's, you know, the truth.