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Anthony Digregorio
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Alondra Ruiz 651d
Alondra Ruiz
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Mia Castro 651d
Mia Castro
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Andrea Ruiz 651d
Andrea Ruiz
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Henny 649d
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Zylus k 649d
Zylus k
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On the topic of mind over matter do you believe that her mindset can affect the way we experience pain or discomfort so that's actually a really interesting question sometimes I've noticed that when I have headaches or I'm just feeling shitty the more that I think about how shitty I feel the shittier I feel but when I distract myself like when I go take a walk or you know just get out of bed if I'm in bed I noticed the headache or that feeling a lot less So I do think that our mindset affects how we experience pain for sure
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Am I have to agree to this 100% by think about it when you're cold as hell outside and you think about you being cold then you start shaking more so like valid
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I do think that our mindset can affect the way we experience pain or discomfort. However, discomfort or pain can be due to underlying things that we haven't addressed in my Nubbier mindset all the time.
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Yes if you talking out physical pain because I am really scared of shots and I feel like shots hurt a lot but then compared to like when you're stubbing your toe that doesn't drop blood or anything and I'm totally fine with that even though it hurts more
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I think yes because especially I'm a mom so I think our mindset like my mindset I was ready to have my daughter is so I think by preparing it and the pain and discomfort is not as bad or wasn't as bad.
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Yeah definitely if you take something that controls for example if you keep practising controls which is not comfortable at all eventually over time your mind will start to be able to do that discomfort and you be up to that sort of handlebar so hundred
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Yes that's where placebo comes from and I will leave it does work yeah
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