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Jessi 681d
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Natalia Lavaggi
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Jayde Alexandria
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Do you drink herbal teas I have been loving to use for years I have a cupboard full of them that I would like to organize a bit better but at the moment it just is what it is but my favourite teas would be white tea green tea peppermint tea Earl Grey tea and yeah I know there's lots of different health benefits of each one and I just love drinking them every day what is your favourite herbal tea let me know
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I honestly don't drink herbal teas, but I should I've heard like how like how many benefits they have so I should definitely do that more often.
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I am a huge fan of herbal teas for many reasons I like the medicinal properties at some of them having the therapeutic results and benefits that I have when I drink them so for example when I have like an upset stomach I'll either do ginger and mentor or both and I also love turmeric tea for the anti-inflammatory properties so whenever there's any kind of ailment or I'm feeling under the weather I will I'll be drinking a tea for that specific thing and I it always works
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I absolutely love tea, lentil, mint, lemon balm, all of those. I drink tea every day.
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