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is perhaps a bit of an atypical one compared to what's well what I've been talking about before but another point of it's Friday it's been a long week it's been a tiring week busy week but you know positive nevertheless and I'm thinking of what to do to just relax outside of sort of the the normal whether it's just uh you know TV or reading or going out or whatever it might be I'm wondering if if anybody has any tips about, you know, funny times, not funny times, new types of technology, kind of, any kind of innovative things that allow you to relax and, you know, lower your shoulders and just sit back and chill. anyone has anyone got anything you know that may not have been I've been heard of by many so to speak. Yeah, do let me know
So meditation is a huge win for me on and I love to get on YouTube and like if you look up Arcturian so ARCUR Arcturian and sound healing there's various frequencies that actually affect your cells and help you to relax even more so I love to do that
Thank you for that. Yeah, it's been a I don't know. Well on a side note I've suffered from anxiety and things like that for a long time and I'm definitely gonna look that up I really appreciate that. Thank you for the recommendation.
So emotional freedom tapping really helps with anxiety and magnesium. So as American stats, 78 plus percent of Americans are magnesium deficient. And the number one symptom of a magnesium deficiency is anxiety. And what's interesting with that is when you have an anxiety attack, it further depletes your magnesium store. So whenever people get on stuff like Xanax, It's not addressing the root to cause, you know?
Nice, super interesting. So, forgive my ignorance. What is the best way to actually replenish the sort of magnesium deficiency? I genuinely do not know what contains magnesium. Is it other foods? You need tablets. What's the remedy there?
So magnesium citrate you just want to make sure the brand is bioavailable and it will make you very regular for like a morning meeting just an FYI so like if somebody takes too much magnesium I'll get the runs to be honest like I don't know I'm British proper way to say that but so just start taking it and get it you know 30 6090 days but you know I take magnesium because I have anxiety issues too and vitamin D
I take 50,000 I use a week so I usually take like four 45,000 IUs a day and then Vitamin B12 and I think they all like work together for observancy and then magnesium and I think magnesium is better at like at night but also taking a really good CBD like is Elise ZILIS on and getting your and a cannabinoid system balance is crucial to
I would just go get tablets and that's probably the easiest way because a lot of, because of the nutrition or I should say the depletion of the soil over the years with agriculture and stuff, there's not as much and blah blah blah. And a lot of people have a hard time absorbing stuff anyway. So I would just take tablets, honestly.
Yeah, no, you can say it in any way you want. And it's an explosive diarrhea, it is. Thank you very much for that. I'm definitely going to try that out. I really appreciate it. This is something that I know very little about. And this advice is really, really helpful. The anxiety has really been playing up this week, particularly as of like middle of the night, last night to through to now. so anything that can help.
Listen multiples Microbiome's or mess up an owl poop enough and then we don't talk about pooping because there's like shaman like I'm not a public pooper and all these things are on it whenever everybody poops and add a lot of people don't even realize how many times are such a pooper like how toxic is to not poop when you're supposed to poop and see how many times I said poop in this particular reply poop
Okay, so there's this really good app. It's available on Android or iPhone, and it's called Anti Stress. It's spelled exactly how it sounds, A-N-T-I-S-T-R-E-S-S, and it has all these different variety of stimulation games or quiet games to decompress and meditate off. So yeah, I hope you can try that and you'll like it.
That is absolutely fantastic advice, I really really appreciate that and I'm definitely going to check that out. Yeah, anxiety has been playing up this week in general, so I certainly need to find some remedies and this sounds like it's perfect. So I really appreciate that.
Did I say things like massages for your back or feet are quite good at relaxation there's also look at those neck massagers think that we can use was your chilling together more neck support but otherwise temperature controlled bedding as well check that out I can control it be hot or a cold are really good really good
Yeah, actually I might think about getting one of those blankets. They can you know be called a warm The summer because I don't have an AC and I live in Greece But that sounds perfect. I've actually never tried those. I've never tried those. But I'd love to give it a go.
Try some thing crazy pack yourself a cool little charcuterie board or a sandwich and some like a tea or coffee grab a blanket and go sit in a park and just eat well don't sit by children or that might be weird but like go to a park where it's mostly adults and like have yourself a little picnic that also I love my freaking shiatsu massager with heat
I will certainly take that advice and do my best to try and not look like a pedophile. That's brilliant. Thank you very much for that. I really appreciate it. And yeah, that sounds wonderful. Plus I've got my little doggy as well who can come with me. you can run around. It looks a little bit better than just me.
I would keep it really simple, me personally. So it'd definitely be like my surround sound or speaker with bossa nova music, maybe lo-fi jazz, and yeah just kick back with dim lights. Try not to engage with a lot of extra tech and just relax your mind.
Actually sounds like the dream right now. And yeah, I'll definitely give that a go. Maybe you said something there, I mean surround sound. That sounds like a brilliant move to have that, those relaxation noises all around you.