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I've just started reading a book right after I've sort of posted about a 2 in 1 laptop where you can also flip it to the tablet and read and I'm staring at my Kindle on the table at the same time. I really struggle to decide what I like best. I think I really enjoy reading a book but the efficiency and simplicity and even the lower cost of an ebook on a Kindle is really really solid and I think you know I'm still struggling to figure out but not having to have I say that not having to have loads of books where in a whole lifetime that may mean like a small shelf in a small cabinet in my case but I'm trying to read more then yeah I don't the kindle but let me know what you guys think if you're you're you're a hard copy or a Kindle.
So I prefer hardcopies but also there are some books that I don't necessarily want on my bookshelf because I don't want my dad to open them up and read them so those go on like my Kindle but I really prefer hardcopies over anything
Alright, listen, I don't think you can start with that and then not give us some examples of what these books are that you don't want him to see. Okay, let's have it.
I mean, I'm a 30-something year old female. I like my smut. However, I had to get hard copies of both haunting and hunting Adeline. And I'm dreading for when he comes over. I'm just going to be like, oh, it's like it's an action book. You wouldn't like it or something, which is not a lie. There's action in there. You know, action.
I'm loving that, absolutely loving that. Yeah, I mean, it depends on how you tell him. You know, sorry, mate. There's this action in there. in there, you know what I mean? You're not gonna like it. hesh
I am not a Kindle person. I prefer hard copies but hard copy versus the audio book. Now that's where I have an issue. I do enjoy audio books but some books I just needed hard copy.
Yeah, I was just saying to someone that I do quite enjoy audiobooks and all that but I just don't retain audio I retain just about everything I see and I read But I have listened to a couple of audiobooks and I could actually I could Seriously tell you that Probably had a few books and none of them. I could tell you what was about That was all really bad English. I don't know what happened there. I think my brain just stroke circuit it a bit.
So literally any book that I have like falling in love with an audible or on Kindle I am not getting a hardcopy because I am totes my goats a physical book person so what are you reading right now what are you recommend what are your books of 2023
Although you'd assume that I'm going to be able to read more than one book. No, but I'm actually reading, I have read Miracle Morning this year and I'm actually reading now a book which a friend of mine just released called Bankers Like Us. So it's all fintech based, but it's actually really, really interesting and whether you've anything to do with fintech or you've been in it your whole life, really interesting. So Bankers Like Us, she has a really nice writing style. later glipters. Check it out. Let me know what you think.
OK well then I would only check that out and I have to say that in a one of my favorite things that I did this last year was on the head with a head weigh or Pinkett Blinkist Pincus whatever both of those actually I got and what they do is they do this like 10 to 20 minute summary of popular books
So I think I was able to get through a little over 100 of them last year while I was driving and I like that because I feel like so many I do a lot of self-help stuff like personal growth and development Bubba blah and I absolutely love that the summary because I feel like so much of those style of books is like this is why you should listen to me and this is and then finally it's like the last chapter or two ours is the meat of the book
That's interesting. The thing is I do enjoy listening and I do enjoy audiobooks. I'm a very visual learner. So I essentially retain just about everything I see and I read, just about nothing I hear. So, you know, maybe, maybe, I know I've heard a couple of audiobooks and I just, I couldn't tell you today what they were even about.
I'll go with hard copy because ebooks I don't think it's for me. I mean the device itself is gonna be a lot of distractions, the notifications and stuff So yeah, I don't think it's for me.
Yeah, that makes sense. It does. So it doesn't actually have notifications and things like that. What it does have is that it's constantly like... It's not even advertising because it's more recommendations around various types of other books that you should be reading based on what you're already reading. So you're absolutely right. There's a lot of other bits and pieces that are a little bit distracting. I've never actually thought about that. Thank you.
For me, I love books. I love regular books but honestly it's so much more convenient to have the Kindle because it's on my phone so I can read anywhere. So, if it's any more, I guess it's going to end up.
Yeah, fair play. This is kind of exactly my attitude as well. You know, I much prefer hard copies and I'm by no means a reader. I should be reading a lot more. I prefer the hard copy, but on the other hand the Kindle is so convenient. And I mean they've done a good job in kind of getting that matte finish on the screen. So it doesn't actually, you don't feel like glare in your eyes. But you're reading on your phone, you say. is not inconvenient.
I think real copies of books I like undefeated I've not really got into using a kindle and is the satisfaction of turning the page and knowing how far you are in physical form is my personal enjoyment out of having hardcopies
Yeah, absolutely, I see that. I think it just comes to storage really and the fact that a Kindle takes minimal amount of space. But there is, I completely agree. It's something a little different with having a hard copy they can do and use.
hmm I don't know if I really have a preference because I like audiobooks so And I know that's a part of technology, but I would say the Kindle more for sure
That's interesting because I've tried with audiobooks, but I think because I'm a very visual learner, I struggle to retain everything. So I've been up listening to whole books and I just have no idea what I've just read or listened to.
That is so funny, but it's also interesting like you mentioned because It just shows how people learn differently as well. Like we're not all Visual or we're not all Auditorial or you know, we're not all kinesthetic So it's just like really interesting how we all learn or how we like to read even I don't know. I like the story being told to me because then it gives me like I can literally literally envision it while they're talking like, you know.
Yeah, absolutely. And you know, it's interesting, because I've got a very lively fantasy and I have a similar approach when I read books and all that, I can definitely visualize it. And I'm very vivid in dreaming and so on as well. I just don't tend to retain much if it's audible, as opposed to visual. I retain pretty much everything. I'd love to do some research and see how it's all connected.
I get you though because it's like for you how you process when you read it's like as you're reading you're able to envision it like right away like you know what I'm saying so I totally get you it's just it's so interesting like how different minds work. But yeah.
It's literally, it's mental. And just recently I've been seeing these studies on people's imaginations and like they're seeing that most people, you know, they don't have internal dialogues. A lot of people just can't imagine things if you ask them to or visualize things. And it's amazing what's normal to others and not to others. and I want to sell them and not to others I guess.
I also like struggle until I come to decision on this because I am a very fast reader so I finish books very very quickly and so it's just like not cost-effective for me to buy a hard copy of every single book I read but I do it like I had all the money in the world I really prefer to have a hard copy of the book to hold onto and read him But e-books do it can unlimited or just like buying them through the Amazon is the best for me
I think this is one of the big deals for me. I'm not really a fast reader, and especially, well, not if I'm looking to retain anything, at least research is one thing, but actually reading and doing and wanting to know what you're reading is a whole different one. So that's why I think it's much better for me as I'll sit with a hard copybook for the longest time. But yeah, thank you for your play.