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I want to discuss about the makeup products that we use on a daily basis and if you ever had any health issues including hormonal imbalances, allergic reactions or even cancer symptoms due to the use, the frequently used of makeup products or do you think this is something that is a myth that definitely doesn't happen.
Yeah, I know a lot of the makeup products I have definitely have a ton of chemicals in them so I've been trying to be more conscious about buying more natural makeup products because there's so many out there nowadays.
Yeah, I recently started to do more research about the chemicals in my products and I'm surprised so I help watch my makeup has ingredients that can be harmful so I am slowly replacing them for health.
I'm just happy that brands like Kylie cosmetics Bacardi can Jenner Kylie Jenner have a vegan and cruelty free products now a lot of her products are not harmful
I mean if you think about the shit that they'll let people put in our food how could you be surprised that they're putting like chemicals that are bad for us and our products that are topical you know