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Am I the only one following this page on stereo? I love this man's voice let alone all his weird animals like There's all kind of animals on this farm. This video right here is super super dope. Click the link go to the video I already left a comment, but y'all should probably put him in the follow list because this post are absolutely Super dope super fun to watch plus I need somebody to talk to about because how many different damn ducks Do you see coming out this damn? Um door like he call it rush hour, but bread so many different damn birds It's so many different birds. I don't want to play to talk to you about it because somebody followed this man page for me Somebody else follows we could talk about it cuz this this is crazy
Tammy, I follow him too. Yes, like his voice is intriguing and then to see his animals and he always gives like some great little commentary about it and stuff you know and then his little good morning and greetings from wherever he lives at and I'm not even sure about that you know exactly where that place is but yeah I love him
Damn, he got roosters, hens, ducks, peacocks, an emu, maybe a couple of emus, what the hell? Those look like mallard ducks, uh, and then you got, I'm surprised a swan is not, that's a geese, he got a geese up in there too. Wow.