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I just wanted to know some tea because I mean I had a couple couple bad experiences but I know everybody has had their toll with relationships so you know if you want to spill the tea
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I'll probably say one of my worst relationships was probably doing my first love back when I was a junior in high school. And it started off sweet and simple, but it ended up toxic and to the point where, you know, you get a headache whenever you see a message or a call from that person.
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Person though, but back in that time it was a lot of jealousy, lack of communication, trust towards the end that Nowadays that if it's any of those type of signs, I won't stand for it I leave the situation so quick and be like you have a good one and God bless you
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But basically, at that time, you know, being my first love, I was a little, you know, blinded by love. And like, my mom, she'd be like, hey, I don't like y'all together, because y'all be arguing at nighttime, you be waking me up through the night, and I'd be like, oh, my bad, like, I didn't realize how bad-
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How bad it was until like after everything had ended and I actually had to like take a step back and look at it at a different angle, you know a different perspective but how it ended up ending is basically which was funny.
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My mom ended up getting an opportunity to go to a different state, so we ended up going to California. And I thought, you know, hey, you know, we travel from time to time, that's what we do. So I was like, cool. Coming to find out she did that so me and her could break up because long distance.
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Long distance was not the move at that time too, because a lot of stuff happened. More trust was out the window. And before we knew it, we were seniors, and everything just went down here from there. And then it was a lot more of lack of communication. So yeah, that's how that ended.
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That's a little bit extra, you know, details on the side towards the end. But, you know, I'm not gonna speak on that though, because, you know, I'm not going into too, too much though, but all I know is Ayyy, I dealt with it, and I'm done.
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